Published Apr 12, 2013
31 Posts
This is a forum for Filipino graduate nurses who wish to apply and pass the NCLEX RN.
First off, this forum is based on my experience and what I had to go through. Also, I want to start this forum because I had promised God that if I ever pass the NCLEX RN, I would try and help others do so as He helped me. Please excuse the length but I want to be detailed.
My background: I am an American citizen and all my education prior to college were in the US. I chose to go to the Philippines for nursing school because 1. I wanted to go to school far away from home and 2. it was the cheapest solution for me to get what I want. I graduated from nursing on March 2011 with a BSN. I returned to the Philippines on September 2011 to start my application process for the NCLEX RN with California BON and to review with my school for the Philippines NLE. (I applied for dual citizenship in 2007 prior to enrolling for school; I was born on American soil but my mother is a Filipino citizen) I took the Philippines NLE on December 2011 and found out that I passed on February 2012. I returned to the Philippines on April 2012 to personally claim my Philippines RN License. On May 31, 2012, I received a letter from California BON stating that I was "required to complete additional course work, both theory and clinical practice to be done concurrently." Once I found out that California wanted me to go back to school, I reapplied with my home state, Texas.
These are the steps I took to apply for the Texas NCLEX RN:
These are the steps I took to pass the NCLEX RN:
1. STUDY: I used Saunders Comprehensive Review 5th edition and read at least 2-3 units per week. Best advise..know your fundamentals of nursing. Know your lab values and normal vital signs of the different age groups.
2. STUDY SOME MORE: I signed up with Kaplan and watched all the content videos while following the E-Book (The RN Course Book). I highly suggest watching the content videos because the lecturers add some content that can be easily remembered. And if you focused on fundamentals with Saunders, focus on pharmacology with Kaplan's Course Book.
3. KAPLAN EVEN MORE: I took first the Diagnostic Test. Then QT 1,2,3 before I met up for the classroom sessions which focused on the Decision Tree. Seriously have your content done before going through the Decision Tree.
4. KAPLAN TO THE MOST: When my classroom sessions ended, I followed the 2 weeks Study Guide. This consisted of 150 questions per day after finishing the Assessment Test, QT 4, 5, 6, and 7. Yes. It was A LOT. But after I finished every exam, I went through each and every question, wrong or right and reviewed the rationale. If I wasn't satisfied with Kaplan's rationale, I went back to Saunders. Saunders is much more in depth. And honestly, my scores scared me at the beginning. I was hitting just par of what was asked for. I first started making 50s with the Q-banks and I was really worried but I kept pushing through with it. Just a week before the exam, I was in the 60s range.
5. LIPPINCOTT'S ALTERNATE FORMAT QUESTION: After I finished 90% of Kaplan's Q-bank, I switched gear to Lippincott's. I did these 2 days before the exam.
6. PRAY: I prayed every morning, every night and read "Our Daily Bread" everyday. And the night before my exam, my family and I did the rosary. Even throughout the exam, I kept praying.
7. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Relax the night before and make sure you sleep well. Be well rested. I arrived at my testing center and hour and a half before my exam. Before I went in, I glanced over Pharma. And then I prayed. And I believed in myself. I had to. Because everyone else did.
God Bless to every one of you who is pursuing nursing as a profession. If I was vague in any of these areas, please feel free to ask.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Informative!!!!! thread moved for best response
81 Posts
Hi kathleen
i am also applying for tx. did u find a school for refresher course already? since we dont have 2 yr paid experience, tx will only give us a temporary license or probationary until we finish that course. its stated on their website.
I had spoken with a TX BON rep and I was told that I would be informed AFTER I took my NCLEX if I am required to do the refresher course. And as the representative had informed me, if I am required TX BON would offer me choices for schools that would grant me credit. I am still waiting for TX BON to send me my official results. Pls feel free to ask me any more questions if you have any :) and God bless you with your application.
16 Posts
thanks for sharing your experience! this is very encouraging:) I am applying for TX too and luckily i have almost 4 yrs paid experience but just worried cos its not from a tertiary hospital in PI and just a 50 bed cap. Hopefully there will be no problem with that.
98 Posts
i think i read in their website that they require refresher course if you have graduated 4 years ago and doesn't have 2 yrs hospital experience. But if you just graduated 3 years ago, you don't need to take the refresher course and no need to show the 2 yrs paid experience. well, that's how i understand it.
thank you! i already have my att. will take it this may! nervous..I will take your advice in praying several times a day!
23 Posts
Your such an inspiration Congrats
Hi! do you have a link for that? I am worried cos i graduated 6 yrs ago:down: but i have my almost 4 yrs of paid experience back home. Thanks!
hi this is the link
and this is the part where i read about the refresher course:
E)All international applicants must provide proof of working in nursing for a period totaling two (2) years (i.e. 24 months) at anytime after graduation from a nursing program.
F) If you have not worked at least two (2) years as a first level, general nurse within the four (4) years preceding the filing of the application, you will not be licensed until you complete a Foreign Educated Nurse (FENS) refresher course consisting of 120 hours of classroom instruction and 120 hours of clinical practice under direct supervision of a Registered Nurse. The applicant required to take the FENS refresher will be given a six (6) month permit to complete the refresher course.
oh! thanks! that's what I read before too:)
I believe you did interpret it correctly. I graduated March 2011 and its been 2 years since then. Although I have no paid working experience, I checked the TX BON website and I have been given my RN Licensure rather than a temporary permit.