Published Dec 17, 2008
328 Posts
Well, tomorrow I hit the 7 month mark since graduation and 5 1/2 months since I got my license and still no real job. Still sending out resumes and making calls daily. I've repeatedly applied everywhere in a 1.5 hour driving distance. I'm working two very per diem RN positions averaging 3-5 shifts/month...probably going to have to look into getting a job in some other field for right now. I'm supposed to have a position at the end of January but I'm truly doubting with the state of the economy and budget cuts that there will be any money to create the position for me. All my student loans have gone into repayment for a total of $506/month, not to mention my $9,000 in credit card debt from school that student loans didn't cover, rent, car payment/insurance, phone bill, and daily living expenses. I've cut back everything I possible can, including meals. I'm in a black tunnel with absolutely no light. I feel like such a failure. Relocating is not an option for two significant reasons, but I truly wish it was. I'm feeling so depressed and really, really scared.
149 Posts
I can't do a lot for you, but I do want to give you big HUGS! I hope things do get better for you. Thinking of you during your difficult times.
Thank you. I just can't believe this. I worked so hard to put myself through school, worked at three hospitals 40-60 hours/week and maintained really good grades. None of it matters. I just can't believe this.
4 Posts
I share your sentiments.I passed my nclexrn 2 months ago and I still dont have job.I'm hoping to find one this January.
35 Posts
i am so sorry! i wish there was some miracle idea i could give to make it all better. i really hope things get better for you soon. :icon_hug:
I saw that youre a new grad.Are you working now?
Me? Or BabyPink?
I'm not sure if you're asking me or not.. but if you are- i start my first job in January. but i graduated back in May in NJ and moved down to houston mid-october because there were no jobs in NJ.
20,964 Posts
I am so sorry. I will keep positive thoughts your way, in hopes you find employment really soon. I wish you the best.
2,441 Posts
I'm not sure if you are married or single, but it's probably something to consider to move out of the area.
I would also tweak your resume to show the year and leave off the month that you graduated. Go to every job fair that you can, browse the websites on monster, careerbuilder, every website that you can find that has nursing jobs.
You also need to isolate what the problem is. Are you getting interviews and no job offers or no interviews?
You may also want to consider your career counselor at your old school and tell them you need help...that is only, their whole job.
I would also call your old nursing instructors...they usually know everyone who is anyone at the local hospitals....they could help you get around the nurse recruiter.
Also, are you following up on resume's? Sending thank you notes? Just be creative and keep your chin up.
blondy2061h, MSN, RN
1 Article; 4,094 Posts
I also recommend moving. I was offered 4 jobs, all before I even graduated. I started as a graduate nurse 2 weeks after graduation.
There IS a nursing shortage, it just depends on the area of the country how bad it is. Are your classmates getting jobs?
436 Posts
I also recommend moving. I was offered 4 jobs, all before I even graduated. I started as a graduate nurse 2 weeks after graduation.There IS a nursing shortage, it just depends on the area of the country how bad it is. Are your classmates getting jobs?
Blondy makes a good point. I saw your screen name, are you only applying for pediatric wards? Maybe you could take a job in a med/surg unit or even a nursing home (these dudes are always hiring as staff turnover is constant) until something better opens up.