feeling appreciated?


Specializes in SRNA.

There seems to be a common theme in nursing about not "feeling appreciated". Is anyone else confused about this? I worked in corporate america before nursing and nobody was ever really appreciated there either. Isn't that par for the course? I just try to do a good job and I don't really care if anyone pats me on the back other than raises and whatnot. Why would I expect to be "appreciated"? Seems strange. Who cares? I don't get it.


Coporate America isn`t saving your life. I would want some kind of appreciation from time to time too. Who cares?

I wont touch this one any further. :rolleyes:

HI guys

I just want to say hi and I bet your patient appreciate what you do.

Good luck

Specializes in Medical.

I was tutoring a group of first year medical students on Monday (third week of school :)) and one said he was surprised that so few patients were grateful :chuckle

I don't expect gratitude, though I appreciate it when it comes along, but I would occasionally like patients to acknowlege what we do.

just wanted to say hi and respond to "do you feel appreciated and who cares?"

i get kudos and thank you's all the time from my patients and families. its the administration that doesn't do it. as far as who cares? i do.....having the hospital pay a little extra for that one tech that is needed so badly would be a great way for the admin. to let us know we are appreciated. thats all they need to do for us...no big pats on the back, parties, flowers for nurses day.....just spend the extra 100 bucks to save our backs!!!

have a great day!!!


I too was thanked and given pats on the back by my patients and their families. It always meant a lot to me to know they appreciated the effort I took in their care.

I do think administration needs to give us a few pats on the back since they are always telling us we have to do more to cover for some of the situations their short-sightedness has created in many institutions today. Would it kill them to send us a thank you and possibily a ticket for a free ice cream when a unit has gone through a crisis, pulled together and came out of the crisis in good shape?

I think since our professional is such a personal one and we are expected to do some very personal things, we do expect a little more stroking than people get in other jobs. Not that we get it that much, but it is nice to be appreciated every once in awhile by TPTB.

This may be more of a female than a male issue. Not trying to pick an argument, just stating an observation.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

Some days are better than others, but I have to say that I do generally feel appreciated in my work. In my present job, I travel throughout the hospital, transporting patients or running errands, and most of the people I interact with are pretty decent. I take a lot of patients out for discharge and have to decline tips on a regular basis, and actually had one patient's family write a nice letter about me to our CEO. (That certainly didn't hurt my feelings!)

We also get nice cards and letters from patients, sometimes for a particular nurse or aid, but often for the whole nursing staff, and a few times have had patients come back to say hi after a particularly difficult stay. It's always nice to see someone healthy again.

We also get a decent amount of appreciation from management. We usually get a nice little cash bonus around Christmas, and our Director and Manager sometimes spring for pizza or other take out, sometimes as an incentive, but often just as a thank you after a particularly busy run. In my last couple of evaluations, I was considerably harder on myself than my supervisor was--nursing school has gobbled up a lot of my attention, and my work has definitely suffered, but the consensus from higher up is that I still get the basics done, and if I have to "coast" a little on the "extras", at least it's for a good cause.

I don't think I've worked a shift in two years without at least half a dozen people asking me how nursing school is going.

I know there are people where I work who take a much more jaded view of things, but I think part of the reason I still enjoy my job is that I'm grateful for the little gestures, like having pizzas brought in, or just a memo in the newsletter that we're doing a good job. I figure my paycheck is what I'm owed for the work I do, and while a pat on the back or a ticket for a free cappucino might not be something to do backflips over, it's still something nice.

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