I am a brand new nurse and my first job is ER. I've worked other areas of healthcare but this aspect is new to me.
Calling report to the floor makes me feel stupid. They ask questions that I don't know the answers to because I see the patient for a very short time.
One occassion that I really was stupid was when the nurse asked the patients blood sugar. I had to look it up and it was 270. Crap, I hadn't even realized the patient was diabetic and I should have known if I put two seconds thought into it. I had managed to hang her antibiotic. I had called pharmacy to discuss a potential allergy to the med I had hung but I hadn't reviewed her lab values prior to report. I was darting between two other patients one of which I couldn't get an iv access on. The patient was in the ER for less than two hours before being admitted. How big of a mistake was this?