FAU 2015 ABSN Applicants

U.S.A. Florida


Applications are open for FAU's January 2015 enrollment date! With just over 4 months until the deadline and 8 months to the start of the program, now seemed like as good a time as any to start a forum to ask questions, relay information, and support possible future classmates.

To start off, I was wondering if any one knew if they normally offer a ABSN program that begins in the Spring. I had only heard of admittance to the Summer semester at the beginning of May.

Best of luck to everyone!

i might do something part time, but we'll see.

Does anybody know when our schedules will be set?

I have been waiting very impatiently for our schedule. I would like to work a shift or two during the program to make some money (I'm a server) so it would be nice to tell my job if I am quitting or if I can work, what days.

I had emailed our advisor about the official acceptance and also asked when we would have our schedule and her only response was congratulations on acceptance so that was no help! I keep checking blackboard to see if classes are posted. Thats the only place I know where to look.

I guess we just have to play the waiting game. If you really need to know asap, I would suggest going to their office in person.

My friend emailed and they told her they're in the process of working on schedules and we should know end of this week or next week. Hope that helps!

Well one thing is for sure after we finish this process will all be very patient nurses :)

Hello future RN BSNs! I am new to this forum but I'd like to take the time to congratulate everyone who has been accepted. It is a mission just to get in! I was just curious, if we havn't gotten our schedules, how do we know where and what time January 5th? Also, is there private facebook page for this group?

We will all be registered for classes soon. Be patient. I'm sure once we are scheduled they will let us know. Or, just keep checking blackboard and myfau. Once you have your schedule, you'll know the time, day, and room of your first class. It's just like any other semester. Go to the classes that they register us for. And then make sure you go to the orientation on the 8th. Hope this helps.

To add what Serendipity said- you can compare the course of study document Dr. France emailed you with the departmental course schedule (located below self service link in myfau) to see possible class times. Some classes have only 1 section so with a reasonable degree of certainty you could estimate your schedule. Hope that helps ?

Anyone got a schedule yet?

Nothing yet! And i got an email from FAU Registrar today saying i haven't registered for this semester yet and need to do so ASAP. Anyway, has anyone made a Facebook group yet? I know its been mentioned before.

Yall. I just got accepted yesterday... I can't imaginze they have the schedule set yet!

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