Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent Program

U.S.A. Florida


Alright, I know it's early but...who is planning on applying to the Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent program? I just finished my prerequisites today and I'm so excited to get going. I am planning on taking the TEAS for the first time in January so hopefully I'll do well.

One question I have is what should I do during the spring semester? I completed my AA degree as of today but unfortunately, my family kind of relies on my FA money to get by. I'm wondering if there is an AS degree I can enroll in so that I'm still eligible for FA until the nursing program starts. I saw something for Health Information Technology that might work. Anyway, just thought I'd see who else is applying and if anyone else is in the same financial situation as me.

I hope to get to know some of you soon!

I finished my pre-reqs in Fall 2013. I'm going to take the TEAS tomorrow and I plan on turning in my application on Monday. It's hard to believe that it's finally time to apply.

I hope you did well on your TEAS!

I hope you did well on your TEAS!

Thank you so much! I got a 94 so I was extremely happy and relieved that it was over with. I was so nervous.

WOW! That's awesome! Congrats!

WOW! That's awesome! Congrats!
Thank you! I'm so glad this board is here because in my head I'm so excited about applying and hearing back and no one in real life really gets the craziness. ;)
Thank you! I'm so glad this board is here because in my head I'm so excited about applying and hearing back and no one in real life really gets the craziness. ;)

I know tell me about it!! It's all I can think about.. I just keep thinking Mid-May I'll know something....eeeekk!!!

Its needs to be May already!!!

I made a countdown clock on my phone. I'm trying not to think about it but you can imagine how well that's working. What number were those of you that applied? I was number 82 at Altamonte today. Not as many applications as I anticipated.

I dropped mine off on the first day in Altamonte and I was 8 or 10?

I made a countdown clock on my phone. I'm trying not to think about it but you can imagine how well that's working. What number were those of you that applied? I was number 82 at Altamonte today. Not as many applications as I anticipated.
well ppl might be turning in applications at different locations ... I was number 35

I dropped mine off on Monday at Sanford/Lake Mary campus, and the list was still under 10. But most of the people had the "no" circled to state they did not apply for concurrent. Only about 3 (including myself) circled yes.

This could be a good sign! Really trying to stay optimistic :)

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