Failure rate is high??

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in 25 years NICU 5 years Telephone Triage.

I just read over the description of this forum. The failure rate is high for online schooling? Wow. Thanks for the encouragement. Does anyone have proof of this statement?

Sounds very discouraging and I haven’t even started yet!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

It is variable depending on your school - always check to see the pass rates for whatever degree: NCLEX, APRN certification, etc.

Specializes in 25 years NICU 5 years Telephone Triage.

Ok. But I was wondering if there is an actual statistic that proves failure rates are high for online schooling in general?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

At the very least the attrition rates are high, it's easy to withdraw:

It's very easy to ignore an online course and let it slip. The disconnect in the digital world versus the real one is significant.

Without doing any research into this, I feel like *part* of the reason there could be a higher failure rate could be related to this belief that a lot of people have that "online school is easier." There are a wide range of online schools, some may have bare minimum requirements to get in and can result in people thinking it will be easy, but then not be successful. I also think it's easier to put off work or not connect with professors to ask for help, that can lead to people not being successful.

^-- absolutely

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