Published Dec 5, 2003
23 Posts
Hello all,
I've been visiting this site for quite sometime. Took my exam in November and found out this past week that I failed the exam again. I'm not giving up on it. As soon as I can take it again I'm going to do it.
I would like to do the live Kaplan Review, does anyone know if the course is beneficial?
Also, I know that after you fail the exam more than 3 times you have to take a refresher course, does anyone know of any refresher courses? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks much and God bless.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Hang in there - you'll pass! I've worked with two great people, bright, articulate but with major test anxiety - they both passed the third time. Take care...
814 Posts
I thought Kaplan was good. I utilized their test questions CD alot. The best thing for me was to keep going over and over the online and CD questions from Kaplan and other sources. I wanted to firmly establish a neural pathway to recall the information I had stored in my pathetic brain. I did over 4000 questions before I took NCLEX. After that many questions I felt very confident I would pass and that was one less hurdle in my path because confidence was a real problem at that time. Good luck- let us know how you do next time.
road runner2003
147 Posts
Glad you are not giving up - you'll get there. Best of luck to you !
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
:balloons: You only fail when you quit, so keep on testing until you pass.
One of my girlfriend's has a girlfriend who took boards six times before she passed, and she had a BSN and a Masters Degree before she took the test the first time. She was an honors student throughout her college days, but just couldn't get past the test anxiety or thought of failure. She finally passed last year! If you want something bad enough, you'll succeed as long as you don't give up!
27 Posts
The Kaplan review course is pretty good. I actually saw similar questions on the NCLEX. Be aware that during the review, all you do is answer question over question over question. You are expected to know the content. Kaplan just shows you how to break down the question and answer it.
JacelRN, BSN, RN
209 Posts
Hi Bsngrad02,
I am sorry to hear you didn't pass. Know that you are in my prayers. I pray for all of us who don't pass the first time around. Yes, I'm with you too, on my 3rd attempt this January.
Hang in there, definitely take this time off to recover. It will take some time before you even feel like looking at another question.
I have some things to ask you for your benefit.
Is there anything holding you back from passing? I know this is broad, but really soul search this time. I can tell you when I set aside the idea of PASSING, and searched the idea of why should I NOT pass this time, I discovered unfinished business I had put off all through nursing school.
Secondly, how is your confidence level? Ofcourse you're feeling blue right about now, but do you feel you can go back in 2-3 months later and do better after you have studied, or do you feel like you did everything possible to pass this last time?
Lastly, what kind of test taker are you? Do you visualize things to answer questions or can you just look at info? How did you test in nursing school? Was it paper and pencil, or computerized? Did you circle questions when you didn't know them, like I did, and then go back?
These are three important questions that I found no one asks you. But once you face them, a lot can be said of how you're taking this test.
Depending on your location, I know a couple of really good reviews that can help. If you are interested, PM me and I can let you know.
God Bless,
419 Posts
I just got back from the Kaplan review. Me and a couple friends spent the week in Louisville,KY to take it. I thought it was great, it's true, they just keep giving you questions and explaining what the questions are asking, and how to choose the right answer. I feel that it helped me a lot.
Good Luck.