Published May 24, 2016
18 Posts
Hey guys,
Looking for some guidance as to what do next. Found out last week I failed the test for the 4th time…I have my background on a previous post. I graduate nursing school in Australia, been out of school for a few years now and i'm not sure where to go from here. This time I really thought I had it…. I decided instead of being depressed and give up i'm going to keep going because I know this is what i'm supposed to be doing, I know i'm a good nurse, I have a year work experience as an RN in Australia, and I can't see myself doing anything else! The past few months have been a whirlwind as I just got married and all the business was distracting, however I still thought I could do it. I tried Kaplan the second time around and I didn't like it at all. Then I went to ATI, I scored 90% chance of passing on their predictor test and yet I failed again. I've decided not to do ATI again as I feel the questions are repetitive, did it twice now and rationals aren't that good and I find most of it i'm re doing the same questions over and over again. I keep hearing about UWORLD. Now that things have settled down in my life a bit i'm ready to really to seclude myself and study study study. Any experience with UWORLD or anything else that helped?? I've already reapplied to do it, this time i'm not telling a soul other than my husband. I feel the pressure from everyone constantly asking about it and the feeling of disappointing my family and friends puts so much pressure on me and I already have bad test anxiety too. Although I know they are all coming from a good place. I know I could do this I just have to put more effort in it, which I haven't been doing as much as I could I just feel like there is so much I get overwhelmed thinking where to start!!!!!! Some people have to told me to take a break, try and work as a caregiver or get my LVN license and start over but i'm determined to do what I love and that is to have the RN behind my name. Does anyone have any insight as to what's a realistic goal? I'm only working part time so I have the time. I've applied to retake the test and now i'm looking at the best testing tools. I have NCLEX books galore as well. If i take 2 months and really lock myself up and just study, lets say do all the questions on UWORLD that i've been reading about, is that realistic? One thing i've learned is to stay positive and not be defeated. The hard part I finished, which was nursing school. I was a great student, and I know I can do this!!!! Any guidance/advice would be helpful.
8 Posts
I think it's realistic to finish the ~1800 questions in Uworld as long as you set goals and hit them consistently. I highly recommend finishing Uworld and reading the explanations (use tutor mode for a bit then switch to answering them like the NCLEX). I would start off by making a solid study plan. I also found the NCLEX Mastery app to be very helpful. Also, analyze your performance on tests, look at your weaknesses and focus on those.
I have awful test anxiety too but I still managed to pass with 75q on my second attempt. Simulate the exam as much as possible at home so that it's not so scary when you go in. When you do sit for it again, just pretend you're at home. So if I can do it, you definitely can.
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
How are you studying?
The issue may not necessarily the source of the review, but how one approaches the NCLEX itself: understanding the four concepts of becoming a competent, entry-level nurse:
1. Safe, effective care;
2.Health promotion;
3.Physiological Integrity;
4.Psychosocial integrity
Will determine WHAT the question is asking you; the question may be Respiratory related-but is it a Health Promotion or a Safety, or a Physiological or a Psychosocial one? Would you know the difference and choose the BEST answer?
Once one understands the concepts of NCLEX, they can do so successfully.
When practicing the questions, prepare the questions like a mock NCLEX exam, review the minimum and then work up to the maximum for endurance purposes.
After looking at your report, focus on the weakness and review questions and rationales; make mock NCLEX tests and start with the minimum and gradually until the maximum; you have to have an endurance in answering application questions.
After each "exam", make sure you are reviewing the rationales; any rationales you are not clear on THEN look up content for reference.
SWimbish, BSN, RN
108 Posts
Uworld, I did all of their questions and the incorrect ones as well over 2 weeks. Tested today, 1 hour, 75 questions and I am getting the good pop up.
How are you studying?The issue may not necessarily the source of the review, but how one approaches the NCLEX itself: understanding the four concepts of becoming a competent, entry-level nurse:1. Safe, effective care;2.Health promotion;3.Physiological Integrity;4.Psychosocial integrityWill determine WHAT the question is asking you; the question may be Respiratory related-but is it a Health Promotion or a Safety, or a Physiological or a Psychosocial one? Would you know the difference and choose the BEST answer? Once one understands the concepts of NCLEX, they can do so successfully.When practicing the questions, prepare the questions like a mock NCLEX exam, review the minimum and then work up to the maximum for endurance purposes.After looking at your report, focus on the weakness and review questions and rationales; make mock NCLEX tests and start with the minimum and gradually until the maximum; you have to have an endurance in answering application questions.After each "exam", make sure you are reviewing the rationales; any rationales you are not clear on THEN look up content for reference.
Thank you for that! I think I need to understand the nclex because even just studying I get overwhelmed and I feel like I don't even know where to start. My issue also is second guessing myself and not taking my time to break down the question. I'll definitely start working my way up with the minimum and up the max and stimulating it as if I were actually taking the test.
Thats awesome, congrats in advance because I'm sure you passed!!! I am definitely going to be MIA for a few weeks and do uworld, I've heard lots of positive feedback on it.
Uworld is awesome! Thank you! That is what I did, I deactivated all of my social media etc while I was studying.
I think it's realistic to finish the ~1800 questions in Uworld as long as you set goals and hit them consistently. I highly recommend finishing Uworld and reading the explanations (use tutor mode for a bit then switch to answering them like the NCLEX). I would start off by making a solid study plan. I also found the NCLEX Mastery app to be very helpful. Also, analyze your performance on tests, look at your weaknesses and focus on those. I have awful test anxiety too but I still managed to pass with 75q on my second attempt. Simulate the exam as much as possible at home so that it's not so scary when you go in. When you do sit for it again, just pretend you're at home. So if I can do it, you definitely can.
Congrats!!! I know the next time will be my last because I will pass it. I'll check out the mastery app and def have to make myself a study plan. Gonna really buckle down and just study study study.