Failed Cpne & will not retake it


I attempted to take my cpne in Syracuse and failed. I believe that this test should not be this intense and I will not retake it

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Ok. You must stay true to your beliefs.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Your thread's been moved to our Excelsior College forum.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Best of luck in reaching your educational goals.

Specializes in Pedi, m/s, L&d and ICU.

What happened?

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

What area of care did you fail? Did you take a workshop? Why won't you retake the exam? Is it safe to assume that you've given up on becoming an RN? If not, then is it safe to assume that you'd rather repeat nursing school elsewhere than repeat this one exam?

If your complaint is that the exam is intense, then it is safe to assume that nerves got the best of you since 'intense' is a feeling that's tied to emotions.

When I tested (2010), there were 3 testing sites within an hour's drive from my home. At the workshop, I was too nervous to practice on other hopefuls. So I just observed. The trainer said to me that site A was notorious for failing non-white students, site B was known for failing non-black students, and site C didn't care what color you were---if you didn't know your stuff, you failed. Because I would not participate, the trainer recommended that I go to site B.

Well, that weekend was too important, obviously, for anything beyond my control to interfere with my success. So, I chose site C. As an African-American, I definitely wasn't going to site A. Site B was located in the heart of a city which had 6 interstates in going through it or within extremely close proximity. One accident, and I'd be two hours late to the exam. Site C was only 16 miles from my home at the time, up a busy highway.

So I did the math, I knew that I had reheorificed my *** off at home, and chose to go with the neutral site because I wanted to be as relaxed as possible while earning that degree on my own merits, not having had my success or failure to be based on my appearance. (Soon after, sites A and B underwent a complete a much-needed CE I was told).

I say all this to say that if the CPNE was intense for you, you allowed that as that was your perception which caused your failure. My comfort zone was the bedside with real patients, not with other students.

But that did not prevent my failing my first PCS. I did that on my own by failing to put a carton of milk on the I&O section on the care plan. I had it on the back to so I wouldn't forget it, but forgot it anyway.

Anyway, if you change your perception, you'll probably change your outcome. If you want to be an RN, you will. I also believe you will take the CPNE again...once you get past today's disappointment. It's just another one of EC's exams. Next time, don't tell anyone about your testing date...that will relieve a lot of the pressure to succeed.

Good luck to you! Sorry about the long post.

Thank u so much, i studied so long and had a workshop, i believe this test site, that has a reputation of failing many students. What happened to me was a small mistake on po meds documentation, and one word on a outcome keep me out of the patient room. On Sunday, i had to pass all 3 patients and i said, i knew, i was not going to pass. I really worked so hard, and i am praying for what to do

Thank u so much, i heard Syracuse hardly pass any students but I wanted to try, I don't know what to do

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Shewanda, while they are tiny mistakes, if they are critical elements they are points of failure. But the good thing is that you won't make those mistakes again! And now you know what to expect. The CPNE is always going to be rather intense because of what is at stake, but you no longer have to fear the unknown — you know what it is like and are better equipped to manage any stress and anxiety.

What I have seen from those who repeat: they either go back to the same site because it is familiar or they felt positive about staff, or they pick a completely new site so as not to involve old feelings and anxieties. I sincerely hope you try again.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.
Thank u so much, i heard Syracuse hardly pass any students but I wanted to try, I don't know what to do

Yes you do know what to do, which is the OPPOSITE of what failed you. It is the little things that gets us at the CPNE because it's the little things that we're being tested on. The 'big stuff' is learned on the job as RNs. When you get past your hurt feelings, you'll have your "I can't believe I did that" moment.

Regain your composure and reapply, hopefully for the nearest testing site. Don't delay because you already know what the wait is like for a date. By the time you're past the disappointment and are ready for your repeat, you don't want to just be starting the application process.

***Note to self: I have got to stop using my iThings for these responses. Autocorrect has a mind of its own....inserts and replaces at will.:blink:

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