Expunged record and nursing school

Nurses Criminal


i have this pain eating me up for years. i was arrested for shoplifting 2007. this is how it happened. i went to the mall , i bought several stuff from a diff store, then i went to jcpenny, i was trying some outfits i wanted to buy, then all of a sudden i got a call that my best friend passed. i started crying and immediately hurried out of the store . i picked everything with me , my sister was waiting for me infront of the fitting room. i got stopped at the store. i didnt know why i was stopped. i was crying due to the news. i asked if i had something with me, i told them, stuff i put from a previous store, i gave them my bags, only for them to bring out parfums i wanted to pay for. i was shocked. i apologised and explained what happened to me. they never listened to me. i told them that i was a gold member of the store, that my husband and i have shopped millions of times. that was the worst day of my life. i got arrested and was fingerprinted. i had no priors and have never had any. my lawyer told me to take some theft class and community service,the case of dismissed and was expunged a couple of months ago. i want to go into nursing school in florida.i mailed them a letter asking me if i hav a chance,i got a response back that they cant respond because i havent started nursing school yet. i need honest advise please, do i have a choice??? thanks

The Florida Board just posted a new update on there website which really helps and gives a clearer explantation as to what the board will and will not accept


The Florida Board just posted a new update on there website which really helps and gives a clearer explantation as to what the board will and will not accept


hi, thanks for link information.

I had a issue about this also. Can you or anyone in here please explain for me those columns: at Catergory 2:

col. "Occurence": only one time

col. "Time period": no time factor

col. "Staff able to Clear"?: Clear

col. "Present application to Board"?: No

What do these means? Please help.

Thank you very much :)

The Florida Board just posted a new update on there website which really helps and gives a clearer explantation as to what the board will and will not accept



I am in the process of filing my application and my misdemeanors are Cat 1's which means I don't have to go before the board!!!! I feel SOOOO much better!

hi, thanks for link information.

I had a issue about this also. Can you or anyone in here please explain for me those columns: at Catergory 2:

col. "Occurence": only one time

col. "Time period": no time factor

col. "Staff able to Clear"?: Clear

col. "Present application to Board"?: No

What do these means? Please help.

Thank you very much :)

Occurence - how many of these charges do you have

Time Period - how long has it been since your conviction (et al) on this charge. If it says "no time factor", it could have been last week for all they care.

Staff able to clear? Clear = Yes - This means the admin who is processing your app can clear it without you having to go before the board.

Present Application to the Board? = No means that your app can be cleared without having to present all of this to the Board.

So I am just finishing up my Accelerated BSN program here in NJ in December. I have a disorderly persons conduct offense in 2004, had it expunged in 2009. Through this whole program I have been stressed about applying for the boards and jobs for that matter. I requested a copy of the background check my school did, it came up clean and there was no record of any disposition in the city municipality of where the offense occurred. Also some hospitals also do their own background checks just before your start your clinical experience andI have almost completed my last round of clinicals. I was told through consultation with legal professionals that I can answer "NO" to questions like have you ever been convicted or arrested? However some state BON's further expand on that question and you may have to answer yes and provide documentation of rehabilitation and so forth. Always seek legal consultation before doing anything, they will give you a clear definition of expungement and how it relates to your specific case.

There is light at the end of the tunnel and second chances are always possible.

i had a criminal record/s that were sealed and the other expunged, these are no longer public records according to the law and i have a clean background now. my question is when my license is issued, will i have stipulations? i understand their decisions are done by case to case basis. any insight on this? thank you!:idea:

my RN license was suspended after I was convicted of "reckless driving with open intox" in 2014.  I paid the fines per michigan board of license and did the required community service and they STILL SUSPENDED MY NURSEING LICENSE.  in 2023 my record was expunged, is my suspension expunged as well?  does anyone else have this quesiton? 

How long was it suspended for? And why did you wait to get it expunged for so long?

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