Ok, so here is the problem: I'm a nurse and when a new mom asks me what is circumcision, what should i say? I mean, ok, go with me on this. I have researched for myself that the AMA, the pediactric association (whatever it names itslef) and many other references all are acutally against the procedure. Of course, for it if hypospadias or a deformity that can be fixed with the foreskin. But, most baby boys are born normal in that aspect. So, I'm a guy, and I have my own thoughts on the matter. However, my thoughts on the matter are the same as the AMA and such, however, probably a little stronger. So, personally I'm against it all the way with the exception of deformities. So, when everything that I have researched bluntly tells us that it is not a medical necessity but merely a cosmetic surgery what do I say.
I was heard once telling my opinion to a mom. Well, she asked for my opinion. I told her that I would never do that to my child and for many reasons. I explained them. They were facts. WEll, I got in trouble for that because that doctor was all about circumcisions. Of course that doctor was middle eastern. So, I was of course angry about that. I don't know about something, I'm from Chicago but live now in a little town in Texas. Do they still do this procedure much in the bigger cities? Am I just so far in the middle of no where or what?