100% on my exam and it wasn't exciting... :(

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone,

I recently got a 100% on my Med/Surg 2 exam. I'm normally a pretty good student. I get mostly A's but I have gotten a couple Bs. However, I really excel in clinical and I've gotten nothing but praise from my instructors. So, I actually feel pretty good about becoming a nurse. I feel like I put in a lot of effort and I honestly deserve the grades and praise I get.

However, recently with this 100% I feel sad and offended because my professor indirectly accused me of cheating... She didn't directly say it, but it was pretty obvious. She was asking me how I study and if I normally get these types of grades and said, "No one has EVER gotten a 100%, so we just wanted to talk to you..." and pretty much had a look on her face that said, "CHEATER!" It really really bothers me because I would NEVER EVER do something like that. I work WAY too hard and am paying WAY to much for school, along with the fact that I HONESTLY want to be an amazing nurse... anyway, you understand now, I would never do anything to hurt my chances of getting my BSN. Even though I know I would never cheat and I could have many of my past professors and classmates back me up, I don't want it to come to that. How can a professor automatically assume a student was cheating just because they did well on a test?? I guess it really hurts because I know myself and how I am with school... I should have been beyond thrilled and celebrated, etc, but all I can think about is that my professor is thinking totally different of me and that's really bothering me. :(

I study from many different materials, I never ever just read the book. I usually don't even read all the required material because I found out that that just doesn't work for me. I use like 6 different study materials and I feel like I'm finally figuring out how to "study smart."

Anyway, does anyone have any imput? I know some of you will think I'm being ridiculous, but this is just how I am. :confused:

Thanks everyone

If you feel so strongly about the nursing career then why are you a member of this forum? :bored: to tyler 77

I use most of the same books op have listed but also q&a nclex and Lippincott alternate format questions. In class i create a study guide asking "what if" on every paragraph because most of that type of info is tested. In order for this method to work must start early. Keep up with readings which having a reading schedule is a must for me. A few pages a day small chunks. Take notes keyword style . for example pernicvious anemia /b12/intrinsic factor/schrilling test/lifetime b12.

you will see a pattern and word association from doing lots of questions. Dont stop there. This great easrly for your nclex a year from now. I wish i had done that. Review ratnales but associate it with core concepts. I'm a writer as you can see. Repetition repetition. Med surg core concepts Deeply learn fluid volume electrolytes acid base and knowing cardio.resp.neuro system according to my teacher. Once agasin i wished i knew this beforehand but i have s few months left so its denny's grand slam time lol Grntea is right search button rocks!

Another success story for new nurse students. :)

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