English prof + course issues....

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Hi guys I took english 201 during the spring semester and half way throught the spring semester i spoke to my professor about where i was academically in the class because i was thinking about dropping the class and she (the professor) told me that i was doing good and that i shouldnt drop the class so i asked her professor i need to know specificly where i am grade wise in this class am I an A,B or C student she said your a B student and when you take the midterm and final that will bump up your grade so i took the mid term got a B on it and my final was a 5 page research project so i changed my topic a few times and got a little anxiety attack and didnt show up for my final so today i recieve an email of my final grades for the classes i took this spring semester and HER FINAL GRADE FOR ME WAS A BIG FAT C if i was a b student through out the whole semester why the hell would she give me a C by school policy she is supposed to give me and incomplete or an F why would she give me a C I feel like she didnt give me an F or an incomplete or absent for final on purpose so that i couldnt take the class over next semester just be stuck with a losey C what do you guys think?

Specializes in Corrections.

I just finished English Comp I in April. The final exam for that class was worth 5% of the overall grade. I could have made a 100 or a 0 on the exam and my final grade for that class would have still been a B. fI thought maybe that's what happened in the case of the OP.

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just to be devils advocate for one sec...(please dont flame me) didnt the OP say something about a panic attack or anxiety attack being the reason they missed the final??? if so I get that! anyone who has experienced that type of condition would get it ...but on the other hand ABOUT THE FINAL GRADE I cant say there is much room to complain since the OP completely did not take the test at all and still wound up with a C, if you missed the final paper in our Eng 102 class you FLUNKED unless that you had an emergency but students were required to notiify the prof and arrangements to turn in the assignment late , which our prof would have done in a minute for a medical issue like an anxiety attack ....maybe some more communication between the OP and prof could have resolved/prevented all of this~

OP I hope you can retake ENG 102 if you really are that unsatisfied with your grade

good luck

My only advice is that we should all take responsibility for our actions. Clearly, not showing up for a final is a BIG thing. I think we should not assume that professors will "assume" remember you are not the only student in his/her class, therefore, you have to represent yourself in the best light at all times.

It is my opinion that you are lucky this professor gave you a "pass" grade. An "F" would be horrific, and follow you throughout your educational goals. I have learned that it is very important to stay in constant communication with your professors, at all times. Quiz,Test and exams are not to be missed unless of course of an emergency. That is my policy.

your right i should have contacted the prof and asked for an extention i called the english dept and the person i spoke with told me just dont show up and its an automatic F so thats what I did. The only reason why I didnt contact the prof was because she was soo strict throughout the entire semester for one we had to do all our writing assignment in class within an hours time handwritten right there in her presense then she would tell us dont worry about the grammar or puncuation and then hand our papers back to you and correct your grammar or puncuation mistakes and tell you to revise it if need be I never had to revise any of my papers but other students did also Alot of people dropped her class because of that and like i said earlier i was going to drop her class because of the writing in class was so stressful

I still don't know what you're complaining about. You got a C in an English class when you clearly don't have even a basic handle on the English language.

In the class I just completed, four basic writing errors on any single page got you an F on the assignment.

your right i should have contacted the prof and asked for an extention i called the english dept and the person i spoke with told me just dont show up and its an automatic F so thats what I did. The only reason why I didnt contact the prof was because she was soo strict throughout the entire semester for one we had to do all our writing assignment in class within an hours time handwritten right there in her presense then she would tell us dont worry about the grammar or puncuation and then hand our papers back to you and correct your grammar or puncuation mistakes and tell you to revise it if need be I never had to revise any of my papers but other students did also Alot of people dropped her class because of that and like i said earlier i was going to drop her class because of the writing in class was so stressful
I still don't know what you're complaining about. You got a C in an English class when you clearly don't have even a basic handle on the English language.

In the class I just completed, four basic writing errors on any single page got you an F on the assignment.

I don't think that it is fair to compare how someone types quickly on a bulletin board to how they might do on class assignments when they would probably take the time to assure they are writing correctly.

Specializes in Triage, Trauma, Ambulatory Care.

Are you saying you wanted "F" for your final grade? Why would that have been preferable over a C?

I find it very hard to believe that someone who doesn't have basic spelling and grammar ability can turn out college-level English papers.

I don't think that it is fair to compare how someone types quickly on a bulletin board to how they might do on class assignments when they would probably take the time to assure they are writing correctly.
Specializes in SRNA.
...i called the english dept and the person i spoke with told me just dont show up and its an automatic F so thats what I did.

This is the key to this whole question. The poster knew ahead of time and chose to skip the final.

The original poster should take this as a learning experience and consider themselves thankful to get the C. Now they are aware of the fact that students should maintain open communication with their professors, especially if they are experiencing difficulty with the course work or have personal issues that need fair consideration.

As an aside, although AllNurses is a forum and it is merely "online" communication, I value those who choose to use proper grammar and vocabulary, especially in these instances where an individual has asked for the opinions of others and we are trying to assess a situation. This allows for a clearer picture of the circumstances involved.

Im not concerned with my grammar while im posting its only a message board and as I said before I didnt have problems with my writing assignments because I was a B student I just felt like I wasnt graded fairly because there was no final to grade so if theres no final thats an automatic zero and if all my other assignments average out to a B a zero on one assignment doesnt average out to a final grade of C. As for me not being happy with a C why would someone be happy with a C a C is mediocre If you are happy with getting a C in any of your classes then woa to you

Specializes in SRNA.
...I didnt have problems with my writing assignments because I was a B student I just felt like I wasnt graded fairly because there was no final to grade so if theres no final thats an automatic zero and if all my other assignments average out to a B a zero on one assignment doesnt average out to a final grade of C.

Well personally, I'm not going to argue you with you, you asked for our opinions, and we gave them to you. :uhoh3:

The law of averages does not seem to apply to the course grading policies, in this case. If you still have the course syllabus perhaps that would clearly state the grading policy and give you more insight into why this occurred.

Im not gonna go back and forth with anyone else on the board Im done

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