Endorsement of NCLEX California passer to FLorida..


Hi im Rj from the Philippines. I recently passed the NCLEX of California Board of Nursing, the letter said i have to give a SSN within 3 years or else i have to redo everything so I went to NEAC the agency that helps me process my nclex application to california and they said the only thing I can do is by ENDORSEMENT, since my aunties are in FLorida I choose to endorse it to Florida which i will take the CES then Endorsement but Florida also requires SSN to have the permanent License Card. Well, it WILL be impossible nowadays cause 1st i dont have an employer, 2nd i dont have yet a hospital experience here in the Philippines and 3rd Working Visa here is quite strict due to recession in USA. My only question is that after the process of endorsement to Florida, does it have like the California that requires 3 years to give a SSN or else i might have to redo everything OR the Florida doesnt have that like 3 years expiration in California and you can give your SSN anytime once you WILL be able to work in Florida at the right time? Thanks! God bless.. :redbeathe:):redbeathe

Specializes in home health, dialysis, others.

Ask the nice people at the Florida BON.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum as per the red banner

Florida as far as I am aware at the moment do not destroy your file and will just wait for you to submit a SSN before they will issue you your license and as you know you currently will not get SSN until in the US with a valid work/immigrant visa

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

2 threads merged

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

link to all boards of nursing found at bottom every page: boards of nursing

florida board of nursing apply for a license

- your credentials report should be received by the board prior to applying for licensure.

5)before a license can be issued, the licensee must have a social security number (ssn). the ssn is
required to complete the application process and take the nclex exam.

/lpn licensure by endorsement of another state license

[color=#052a73]have you ever passed the nclex? please click here to find out if you qualify for endorsement.

c. has actively practiced nursing in another state, jurisdiction, or territory of the united

states for 2 of the preceding 3 years without having his or her license acted against by the

licensing authority of any jurisdiction. applicants who become licensed pursuant to this

paragraph must complete within 6 months after licensure a florida laws and rules course that is

approved by the board

since you have never worked in us as rn, do not qualify for endorsement in florida, but may qualify under inital application to state. no time interval is listed re holding applications--i would send an email to bon requesting clarification.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

Be aware the financial situation in FL is poor, and d/t the oil spill, going to get worse.

Specializes in Case Manager.

years of exp.-35 years

i was tryng to get an endorsement from pr to florida as rn. the florida do not allow foreign nurses for endorsement if you did not work 2 of the 3 preceding years. so my sugestion to you is to sit for the florida board, but there is a posibility that will cost a lot of money. at least for me is aprox. $1200.00, between the board allpication($204.00), the location were you will take the board by computer($200.00) and evaluation credential($300.00). i am not sure if you need an evalutaion credential. if you chosse to take a review course that is $500.00 xtra. so dear rjohn08, you need to think about is you want to made this moved. another fact is the salary for nurses is not what you migth really expecting. check the website-[color=#0e774a]www.doh.state.fl.us/mqa/nursing/nur_home.html[color=#767676]

good luck.


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