In my job, I work closely with the NICU. It's not uncommon for there to be patients who are there for months at a time, and so there will often be a nurse who is a "primary" - she will take care of a particular baby every time she works. As a result, she gets to know the parents well. Apparently, some of these nurses develop, what I would consider, perhaps unhealthy blurring of nurse/patient boundaries. The nurse will encourage these parents to text or call her when she's not working if they have questions about the baby's care or wellbeing (rather than directing their questions to the nurse or physician who IS working). It seems that these nurses are encouraging the fostering of an unhealthy codependent relationship with the parents, wherein they're getting the parents to rely on her to the exclusion of the other care providers. It just seems inappropriate to me.
What are your thoughts on this practice?