Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

U.S.A. Georgia


Hey, so I haven't seen any new threads pop up about the next round of Emory's new grad residencies. Has anyone applied recently/heard anything? I'm scheduled for an interview at Midtown on the 30th, but I'd like to talk to/hear from others going through the process or those who have already been through it. Anyone know if the interview is just the group, or if you pass the group interview and then have to come back for another one-on-one? I'm from out-of-state.

I've kind of lost hope, but I'm still going to check this thread today periodically. Hope we hear something!

Hey guys so I'm kind of new to this. I saw everyone posting and wanted to give/get some insight. I interviewed at Emory Midtown last Thursday (4/30), and received a verbal offer from HR for their Nuero surgery Med Surg last Friday (5/1). Has anyone else received an offer for Neuro at Midtown?? Also, before I received an offer call from Midtown, University Hospital HR (Alex) contacted me and asked if I would like to interview for oncology since they still have a few slots open, so if you are interested I would give him a call! When I got my verbal offer, the lady said I would be receiving an official offer letter, I thought by Wednesday (today) but I guess sometime this week? Has anyone received theirs yet??

Specializes in CVSICU, Critical Care.

Has anyone who interviewed with MICU heard anything?

I interviewed with MICU but have not heard anything back yet.

I've just about given up on Emory at this point. 95% sure they're done with women's services by now, especially since they're only hiring 10 :(

Thats how i feel too! í ½í¸ž

I interviewed with MICU but have not heard anything back yet.

MICU at midtown or MICU at Clifton?

I haven't heard of anyone getting a call for L&d specifically, though! At least there's that.


UD said she is gonna hire the people she interviewed, 2 people. I guess you are in

Has anybody's application status changed yet? I was thinking that it wouldn't if we were hired (who's got the time for that?), but that HR would change the status to generate and send an automatic email to all those who weren't gonna be hired. But mine is still the same.

My application status changed the day they made the offer.

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