Eligibility Validity?


I would like to know if anyone here knows what's the validity period of our Eligibility to sit for NCLEX-RN from BON?

I'm still trying to give more time for myself to review for the 2nd time, and hoping to be lucky the 2nd time around, but I might forget there's an expiration of this eligibility.I hope to hear from someone familiar with this here.

Thanks for any idea.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Each BON is different but on average is 90 days. Should state something on your ATT and if you don't want to apply yet for new one do you have a copy of your old one. Either that or check with your state BON

I did'nt register yet with Pearson Vue since receiving this eligibility last April, so I have no ATT yet.

I hope someone will clarify this to me.I emailed the board but no response yet.

I can't remember my first eligibility for how long,that was how many years ago.I keep on putting off my 2nd attempt.

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