El Centro/Northlake LVN-RN Bridge 2015/2016

U.S.A. Texas



Anyone start or apply to this bridge program recently?? If so, would love to hear how many points it took to get in and what the schedule is like.

Ill be applying for the July 15 deadline to start in the Spring and could not find many posts on specifically the LVN-RN bridge....

Thought I would give a little insight for those of y'all applying to El Centro's bridge. I graduated from El Centro for my LVN back in '11 & then went back for the bridge program Spring '13. I graduated last May (can't believe it's already been a yr). The 1st semester was only the LVN's since we were bridging & then in the Fall we entered in w/ the "traditional" RN students. It says on the application to have at least 6 months experience but as long as you've been working as a LVN you just need to get a letter from employer stating where/how longh you have worked at current job. Hope this helps! Good luck as y'all apply & get in!!

Thank you for the insight! I did my lvn there too, but in 05. Was it competitive to get in. Were there a ton of applicants? Thanks again

I think there may have been about 60 or so applicants. Some didn't get in because they missed the deadline or paperwork didn't have the correct date on it. As long as you have everything needed on the checklist then you should be fine. When I went back they had a review class before sending out acceptance letters but for the most part everyone got in who was offered the review class.

That's good to hear. I'm getting worried because everyone I tell I'm going back to school makes me feel like my ADN will be a waste aND I really need to get my BSN. But I can't afford university tuition right now so this is what I'm going to do. Did you have any problems getting a hospital job? I'm desperate to get out of home health! Thanks for answering my questions before. It's great to hear from someone who has been there.

Yah alot of people told me the same thing when I got my LVN license & I found a really good pedi job then. It was alil hard to find a job after graduating because it was peak graduation time for all the area schools but I ended up getting a hook up from a friend. I had to convince the manager that while I'm a new RN I also had LVN & tech experience. So I think being a LVN helps. Any questions feel free to ask...it does help to hear it from someone who went through the same program. Just fyi...I hear they were gonna change the 1st semester so you might not have to do the review skills week before acceptance but not 100%sure on that.

Specializes in LTC, Pediatrics, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

I am also an LVN and was interested in this program seeing as I stay in Arlington. After calculating my points I am feeling a little discouraged seeing as that I only have 20, with finishing up Micro this week. I was also looking into applying to Weatherford just didn't want to have that drive but compared to the points that you all have I would have alot of praying to do. Does anyone know if it is possible to get in with a low amount of points I currently have 2 years of experience in LTC, Mental Health, and acute care.

I'm getting everything in last minute but hopefully will be done on time....I have 20 points but I take the HESI on Saturday, so I guess it depends on how well I do on that. Does anybody know the cutoff for the bridge program?

Specializes in LTC, Pediatrics, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

How did the HESI go? Did it help out with the points any im aiming to take mine next month after the TEAS

Turned in my application with 29 points. The wait will be long....

Specializes in LTC, Pediatrics, Behavioral Health, Home Health.

blessings be with you, I am going to take over growth/development and try to take 2 other classes for points I really don't want to take over my science classes. Did you take the HPRS 1202 and 1204 class? I really do pray that I will have enough to get accepted while I have to drive in me to go forward

I've applied for the Spring '16 program. Just waiting on an acceptence letter this Oct. I wish you all luck as well. =)

I was looking to apply to the bridge program and I was wondering what type of experience is needed.

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