EKU online FNP program


I am seriously considering applying for the summer start EKU online post masters FNP certificate program. I know that the classes are taken one at a time and are 8 weeks long. I work (3) 12 hour shifts a week that is probably not negotiable to change since I still have children at home. Tell me about the program, the good/bad/ugly.

I am also looking up information for Drexel University, University of Mass- Boston, and Angelo State as these all have an online post masters certificate program and the application deadline is not up. How would these compare to EKU?

Hello Everyone:

I am planning to go for PMMHNP at Eastern Kentucky University (online) in fall of 2017. I need some advice on how program is and acceptance rate...and anything else anyone could enrich me with their knowledge.


Hello Miss Buggysmom:

Could you tell me more about PMHNP...is it a good program so far. Did you finish it? Did you appear for your boards?



How are you?

I am thinking of starting PMHNP certificate program in fall from Eastern Kentucky University...from your post I understood that you have been doing the same program. Would you please give me some information about this program and how do you like it? I finish my FNP in may 2017 and intend to go for this program in fall.


Specializes in neuro-surg, psych, CM/URP, CM/URP Mgr..

Hi! I am graduating in May. I have really liked the program. I have friends at other schools and I'm shocked at the lack of interaction they have with professors...They get an assignment---read articles or the book and turn a paper in. No interaction at all. We have Adobe sessions live, in person....I really feel like I know my professors. We have power point lectures, with transcription of the lectures (I listen & highlight the transcript & print out the power points to study for tests)...It's w.o.r.k.---it's a lot of time to really learn the information, but I don't think I'd be successful at any other "self-teaching" school...I like that I can ask questions during the live sessions. I like that we do case simulations with our facilitators---live. I have been very pleased.

Hello Buggysmom:

How are you?

I am thinking of starting PMHNP certificate program in fall from Eastern Kentucky University...from your post I understood that you have been doing the same program. Would you please give me some information about this program and how do you like it? I finish my FNP in may 2017 and intend to go for this program in fall.


Specializes in neuro-surg, psych, CM/URP, CM/URP Mgr..

No, I'm not doing a post masters. I'm doing an actual master's program. I'm doing Psych NP (PMHNP). I posted about the program above. I really like my program.

Dollie, I would like to touch base with you and PM - do you receive PMs on allnurses?

I don't think I can

hmmm...I think I sent you one, it didn't get returned. Do you mind if I email you?

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