Edison State College Nursing Program 2011

U.S.A. Florida


I'm looking for students applying to the summer nursing program this year. Just reaching out and hopefully we'll be classmate.

I hear ya. Me too! Way too stressful!!! UGH!

Has anyone heard anything yet? I'm getting nervous...

No. Nothing yet. I'm trying to wait patiently but I am just as nervous as you are!

Nope, me neither. I thought we would have heard by now! Maybe today is the day...

Got the call this morning! Made it into the evening program at Lee! So excited!!!! :)

Congrats!! I'm still waiting.... I applied for the day program.


I talked to Michelle, and she said they probably wont be calling for day program till Monday. :( The waiting game! good luck girls!!

Anybody know if they've finished/started to call for Collier day?

Thanks SO much! I'm very excited! Good luck to all of you!!!!

Hi, I called the Collier campus today to see if they had started making calls yet. They said they would be making calls on Monday, but she asked for my name and told me I was accepted. I'd call on Monday morning if you don't hear anything by then. Good luck!


I got the call this morning... I have been accepted!!

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