Obviously eating something good is very important and I would never skip eating before clinical, but the question is, what do you like to eat prior to your clinical? My clinical last semester was only 4 hours long and by the time we were done I was starving. This semester it is going to be a 9 hour day. I'll have to be up at 5-5:30am and clinicals start at 7am (I have ~45min drive to my site this semester ). My problem is that I'm never hungry that early in the morning so I literally just force myself to eat something, but it really isn't a lot. Usually I just go for some yogurt and fruit, some oatmeal or cereal, but sometimes I don't end up finishing it all because I'm not hungry and I get a terrible stomach ache. Then I get hungry a couple of hours later. So what do all of you reach for in the mornings? Maybe something that will also help keep me fuller longer? I'm also a health nut and very careful about what I eat. I know that we will also get a lunch break during the day but I'm going to need something to help get me past the first part of the day. Thanks, everyone!