Duke 2015 Nurse Residency Program

U.S.A. North Carolina


Since a thread hasn't been started for Duke Feb 2015 Residency Applicants, I have decided to start one. Feel free to post away and best wishes!!

Annan1216: Awesome! Congrats. What day did you apply?

I applied on 1/21, application sent to hiring manager on 2/4, invite to interview via email on 2/6

That is great! Let us know how it goes. Good luck:up:

I interviewed with the cardiac ICU on Friday. What a great unit! I was told there are four people including me interviewing for two spots.

How was your shadowing experience??

hey im new to all this so bare with me lol i got alil antsy and called their nurse recruitment line and the person i talked to said that they had over 600 applications and that it will take time for them to get through everyones. So your lucky to have yours get picked up so soon :) Im hoping with in a week to have some change from recruitment review

I interviewed with the cardiac ICU on Friday. What a great unit! I was told there are four people including me interviewing for two spots.

Is this for the program starting this month or this summer?

How was your shadowing experience??

Hi. My shadowing experience was really great. I got paired with someone who was also from out of state so we connected well. Everyone was really nice. Doctors and nurses would go up to me and introduce themselves. I mostly just asked questions the entire two hours and got a great feel for the unit. I didn't get to touch anything, but I was able to interact with the families. I wish every hospital would do this for their interviews.

Ams1130- this was for the summer.

Awesome! That sounds exciting :)

So im starting to think no news is good news lol has any one heard anything? Also, did anyone else apply to the duke regional hospital new grad positions?

I wonder how many applications they received? My status has said under recruitment review for a couple weeks now...

Well when i called the recruiter said over 600...i also asked how many available positions and she said she couldnt tell me but that it was a fair amount and that they might increase it depending on the need. Apparently everything is done based on what unit you put down and who the other applicants are in that pool. What units did you chose?

I got the job offer for CT surgery stepdown!

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