Published Oct 17, 2018
4 Posts
Hey! I submitted To Duke's CRNA program! Just wondering if anyone else has and if you got an interview yet?!
bbystw, RN
14 Posts
I also applied, but I applied very near the deadline so I don't expect to hear anything for a bit. When did you submit?
49 Posts
I applied and got an interview! I'll be there on November 3rd. Fingers crossed you both hear something back!
That's awesome! Congratulations! I hope it goes well for you. When did you apply and how long did it take you to hear back?
18 Posts
I applied but also very close to the deadline so I have not heard anything back yet.
Awesome, Congrats ipd_RN92! I also applied late to the deadline. I received an email stating that they received my application so maybe we should hear back sometime soon. I imagine a lot of people applied close to the deadline so there is a lot of sorting out to do. Good luck to everyone though!!
I went to an in-person information session and also joined the web information session over the Summer, but I don't remember if they discussed having more than one interview day. Does anyone know if November 3rd is the only interview day?
I'm not sure about Duke, but majority schools have about 3-4 different interview dates.
My application was submitted October 6th and Marcia just emailed me this morning to set up an interview date. She made it sound like the dates were November 13th, 14th and 15th.
I got the email from Marcia today! I left a voicemail so I haven't scheduled the interview yet. Looking forward to it.
11 Posts
Hey guys,
I got my interview invitation on Oct 25, and when I called to arrange, Marcia said that the interview dates were Nov 13/14/15. Good luck to everyone, we've made it this far! Let's do it! :)
9 Posts
Hi! What was the turnaround time for your completed application and your interview offer?