Published Nov 2, 2004
RN Cardiac
2 Posts
How does a DUI impact your RN license? A staff member got one this weekend, and I am secretly wondering if she will have to report this to the state board and/or the hospital.
1,041 Posts
Said staff member should report it and also immediately report to AA. A DUI is just a symptom of the bigger disease.
Sorry, I should clarify.....she was at a party (also held by a co-worker), left in her car, got picked up & brought into our ER. Thus we all know, but management does not.
DUI is a felony, correct? So I know in the future she would have to own up to it for another job. But what impact does it have on the here and now? Will the State Voard of Nursing get involved? Can anybody do anything since this was done on her personal time??
Sorry, I should clarify.....she was at a party (also held by a co-worker), left in her car, got picked up & brought into our ER. Thus we all know, but management does not.DUI is a felony, correct? So I know in the future she would have to own up to it for another job. But what impact does it have on the here and now? Will the State Voard of Nursing get involved? Can anybody do anything since this was done on her personal time??
Unfortunately my previous statement still stands. This was recently discussed at lenght...check out this thread...
5 Posts
I dont think he will do that.. because nursing has nothing to do with DUi.
142 Posts
Drinking and driving not only shows bad judgement and endangers the driver, but also the safety and well-being of the public.
The BON, largely, is not any nurses friend. Their job is to protect the public.
To the OP, yes, it should be reported. I have a friend who has her license in two states. She had a DUI and didn't report it to either...she is now being investigated by the state of California BON and subject to who knows what kind of discipline, even though she didn't live in that state at the time (but did have an active license).
carolmaccas66, BSN, RN
2,212 Posts
We all make mistakes. I had a DUI from years ago, and I suspected later that a 'friend' was spiking my drinks (b4 this was known), & thought it would affect my nursing career. The boss at my agency didn't care & it doesn't get reported to anyone (I wasn't a nurse when it happened). I always tell agencies up front and they are not worried. They are more concerned with paedophile and larceny charges.
Don't worry, if she came 2 ur ER, word will filter thru & management WILL get to know about it.
Nccity2002, MSN, RN
208 Posts
how does a dui impact your rn license? a staff member got one this weekend, and i am secretly wondering if she will have to report this to the state board and/or the hospital.
it depend on where you live. in the state of california a dui may not necessarily lead to immediate termination for a licensed nurse, but it does require them to disclose pending actions triggered by the arrest. though the licensing board my not revoke the individual's nursing license, different hospitals may have opposing policies regarding their employees' dui charge, and may still lead to termination. anyone pursuing a nursing license may have more problems. however, every case is different. a dui specialist may be able to assist your co-worker, to ensure that she has the best chance of protect her license.