Published Mar 17, 2014
26 Posts
Hi everyone, I couldn't find a thread for Drexel FNP fall 2014 so I figured I would start one so we can all meet/chat ahead of time. I'm currently living in the DC area and I'm excited to be visiting Philly a few times a year. Anyone else out there find out yet?
985 Posts
Good idea on starting the thread. Myself and a coworker have been accepted to the fall FNP program. I'm about an hours train ride away from Philly which is one of the reasons I really hoped to get into the program. I'm currently an ER nurse and have almost 5 years experience as an RN. I spent 7 years as a Surgical Tech before I graduated with my ASN. I'm nervous but think I'm ready.
I'm the same way. Currently I'm thinking omg I can't do that! But after a few years I sure we'll all feel more confident. I had my "moment" last summer when I was at work....I'm like omg I have to go back to school I can't be doing this forever lol. I was a little surprised that the degree plan doesn't have us doing any science until the 2nd year but either way I'm ready to start!
Have you noticed the physiology exam that is suuposed to happen during our first semester according to the Plan of Study ( ) . That makes me nervous. Like I should be studying right now! I think im ok with science classes starting a little later. Id like to be sure I can handle the workload of the masters classes before I get into the harder material.
1,344 Posts
I can tell you as a student there...the exam never happened for us. Now mine wasn't supposed to happen until later in the first year...but I heard it didn't happen because of "changes" being made and it just not fitting in. So I don't know where it stands now...but I never had to do it.
So I went and looked at the grid for my program and see it is now first thing. When I went it wasn't until a couple quarters in. They have also removed a class and combined stuff. So maybe they are back to doing it. It makes sense to do it in the beginning and not just before patho.
Ya I saw that, I thought the same thing about studying! Maybe we'll get lucky like Irishizrn and not have to take it. I noticed it said you should take physiology as an elective if you don't do well on the test. So how do yo like the program so far? Do we contact our advisor this summer or will they contact us?
11 Posts
I've been accepted as well! I live about 45 minutes from Philadelphia. I work at CHOP so the Drexel campus is nearby.
65 Posts
How long did it take for you to receive your acceptance/denial letters after you applied?
I applied back in November, and they said I wouldn't hear anything until May or June, but I heard from them March 7th.
I have a love/hate relationship with it...but I think that's likely typical. There are some people who aren't very good at communicating and that's been an issue. Be prepared to be told you have to have certain days set aside to attend online live classes...this will happen year 2 and for the most part it will be the same day but the assessment course may be a different day of the week. This was a MAJOR issue for some they were not given very much notice and had work issues. Drexel will contact kind of it back and wait.
58 Posts
Hey guys! I also applied to this program last week. They had told me they didn't do rolling admissions but it seems like they do so I hope I hear something back sooner than June like they told me :)