Drexel ACE Program (Fall 2021)

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey, guys its a bit early but wanted to open a chat so we could all talk about the Fall 2021 ACE program (11 months) at University! Feel free to share stats, questions, concerns, and more!

Hey! I'm starting in the ACE program this Fall (next month!!) so if anyone has any questions about the application process or even about the program as I'm going through it, feel free to ask! I'm happy to help ?

OMG, that's soo exciting! What were your stats?

On 8/10/2020 at 1:22 AM, marquisdelafayette said:

Hey! I'm starting in the ACE program this Fall (next month!!) so if anyone has any questions about the application process or even about the program as I'm going through it, feel free to ask! I'm happy to help ?

OMG, that's soo exciting! What were your stats?

15 hours ago, boaf said:

OMG, that's soo exciting! What were your stats?

Thanks! I had a 2.95 UG GPA (BS in Biology) and all A's for the pre-reqs except for English, which was a B. I worked as a sitter/nurse aide for about six months YEARS ago and spent the last 4 years working as a live in caretaker for my grandfather. Other than that, none of my work experience was medical and my volunteer work was all with animals, home building, and environmental stuff (but nothing crazy!). I also sent in one letter of rec. I got accepted to and NYU both so there's really no telling what anyone's looking for these days. Good luck with your application!

On 8/12/2020 at 7:22 PM, marquisdelafayette said:

Thanks! I had a 2.95 UG GPA (BS in Biology) and all A's for the pre-reqs except for English, which was a B. I worked as a sitter/nurse aide for about six months YEARS ago and spent the last 4 years working as a live in caretaker for my grandfather. Other than that, none of my work experience was medical and my volunteer work was all with animals, home building, and environmental stuff (but nothing crazy!). I also sent in one letter of rec. I got accepted to Drexel and NYU both so there's really no telling what anyone's looking for these days. Good luck with your application!

OH, my that's mighty impressive. That deserves a BIG Congratulations!!

Did you have retakes in any of the prereqs or any "W"'s?

Do you personally know anyone who has completed the program who had any feedback? I'm trying to figure out whether is a good choice for me. But these forums have mixed reviews on the program.

Do you have any inside on whether their is validity to any of these claims?

What made you choose Drexel over NYU (I have a feeling it has to do with the price tag of NYU LOL)?

4 hours ago, boaf said:

OH, my that's mighty impressive. That deserves a BIG Congratulations!!

Did you have retakes in any of the prereqs or any "W"'s?

Do you personally know anyone who has completed the program who had any feedback? I'm trying to figure out whether Drexel is a good choice for me. But these forums have mixed reviews on the program.

Do you have any inside on whether their is validity to any of these claims?

What made you choose Drexel over NYU (I have a feeling it has to do with the price tag of NYU LOL)?

Thank you! Was honestly shocked to get into both places I applied LOL (especially since this was AFTER being rejected by two ADN programs)

I had no W's but did have to retake quite a few pre-reqs. However, the first time I took them all I also had As/Bs, but my classes had 'expired' for both schools to use.

I'm not close with anyone who's been in the program but I've casually talked to a few people. General consensus is that it's tough and moves quickly, but that's to be expected for an 11 month program. Everyone knows how they learn/progress best. For me, I loved taking harder courses during short Summer semesters because I work well under that sort of pace, so this program seems like a good fit for that.

Also HAPPY to keep you updated as I start the program to give real time reactions LOL

NYU was and has always been my dream school so it was hard to turn down, but at nearly double the price of it was definitely difficult to justify. Plus, I figured a year in a new city could be fun and I'd always wanted to come to Philly. Drexel also has some state of the art sim labs that are a good pull. But it was mostly the price that swayed me, and even then it took a lot of debate/soul searching LOL

Where else are you planning to apply for Fall?

19 minutes ago, marquisdelafayette said:

NYU was and has always been my dream school so it was hard to turn down, but at nearly double the price of Drexel it was definitely difficult to justify. Plus, I figured a year in a new city could be fun and I'd always wanted to come to Philly. Drexel also has some state of the art sim labs that are a good pull. But it was mostly the price that swayed me, and even then it took a lot of debate/soul searching LOL

Where else are you planning to apply for Fall?

Yeaaa that sounds like it was difficult but seems like the right choice for you, but You'll do amazing I'm sure of it !!

So I am also not from the Philadelphia area either. But I'm wondering what your thoughts on the area are. Have you already moved there as of now ?

And would you have any suggestions on safe affordable areas/ neighborhoods (Old city, Center City, Chinatown, Fairmount) near 's location that is someone looking to attend should look into?

Are you very far from the program, If so how are you planning on pay for this?

Also in your opinion ( or perhaps something that was told to you by admissions) what aspect of your application do you believe was the biggest contributing factor in being accepted. Cum GPA, unique major, letter of rec, personal statement, experience listed on a resume, etc? From my understanding the cohorts they accept are normally ~200 students (that's a decent size) but what was the strongest part of your application?

And I, like you, am looking for a change in scenery. SO moving to a new city sounds like a great idea. I'm looking into applying to Holy Family, Drexel, NYU, Umass Amherst, and a few Direct entry MSN programs (reach schools) like Columbia and Northeastern.

4 minutes ago, boaf said:

Yeaaa that sounds like it was difficult but seems like the right choice for you, but You'll do amazing I'm sure of it !!

So I am also not from the Philadelphia area either. But I'm wondering what your thoughts on the area are. Have you already moved there as of now ?

And would you have any suggestions on safe affordable areas/ neighborhoods (Old city, Center City, Chinatown, Fairmount) near Drexel's location that is someone looking to attend should look into?

Are you very far from the program, If so how are you planning on pay for this?

Also in your opinion ( or perhaps something that was told to you by admissions) what aspect of your application do you believe was the biggest contributing factor in being accepted. Cum GPA, unique major, letter of rec, personal statement, experience listed on a resume, etc? From my understanding the cohorts they accept are normally ~200 students (that's a decent size) but what was the strongest part of your application?

And I, like you, am looking for a change in scenery. SO moving to a new city sounds like a great idea. I'm looking into applying to Holy Family, Drexel, NYU, Umass Amherst, and a few Direct entry MSN programs (reach schools) like Columbia and Northeastern.

I moved to Philly from NYC about a month ago. It's hard to get much of a read on Philly right now given Covid but so far I REALLY like the city. I definitely thought it would be like a smaller NYC but it's its own thing entirely. I love the history of it a lot. Not sure about staying here after school or not yet, but so far I'm enjoying it!

I'm from NYC so for cheaper than my apartment there I could get double the size with AC in Center City here, which I opted to do. I don't have a car, so it's good to be central, plus the ACE program is mostly in the Center City campus. I'm about an eight minute walk from both buildings, which is nice. If you do have a car, you'll have more flexibility and can find someplace cheaper like Fishtown. There's also public transportation.

I'm lucky in that I have family helping to pay for my schooling but I know most people are taking out loans.

I haven't spoken to admissions at , but I feel like it was my pre-reqs and experience in things outside health care that were my strong points. For NYU, I'm pretty sure it was my personal essay in addition to these things. My pre-reqs (compared to my UG GPA) show that I've grown, that I work hard, that I'm serious, etc. I would suggest just being as well rounded as possible with your application (plus the best grades you can manage LOL)

It sounds like you've got a great list of schools!! Good luck with the application process! It's long and stressful but hopefully you get accepted into the perfect school for you!

Hi! I am looking into this program and plan to apply soon but with 3 outstanding pre reqs (hope this doesn't stop me).

I had question. How do you list pre req that you will be taken next semester/quarter? Or are they just supposed to assume that by looking at your transcripts 

On 9/4/2020 at 10:57 AM, spatel9 said:

Hi! I am looking into this program and plan to apply soon but with 3 outstanding pre reqs (hope this doesn't stop me).

Hey! Are you from Philly originally!? To answer your question from what was said in the information center you have to contact --------------------------. And fill out a "Nursing Plan of Action" form for the courses that you have in progress. You should email her just in case that's the right process. 

What three prereqs do you still have left?

And what are your stats in your other prereqs?

And what's your GPA, both cum and current prereq GPA?

Do you plan on submitting a personal statement/ letter of rec?



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