A friend of mine and I (both OB RN's with over 15 years of experience together) are thinking about offering doula/labor support for women who are going to labor (or D&C) with a known demise, miscarriage or labor where the mom knows the baby is not compatable with life and chooses to give birth.
Are there any services like that out there now? We would like to talk to someone who has experience with the business end of this.
We are trying to figure out reimbursement for the services.
What we would like to offer is labor support (not as the nurse), answer questions about what to expect, emotional support for mother and father, etc. All the things the floor nurse wishes she had more time to do. We would offer follow-up services as well.
I attended a Perinatal Berevement Seminar recently and there was a panal of mothers who spoke about there loss. The mother that struck me the most, was the one that had a miscarriage. She had 3 D&C's and everyone treated her like it was "just a surgery" after each one. She just needed someone there to help her morn her pregnancy loss.
Does anyone know of services like this. What do you think of the idea.