Douglas College Psychiatric Nursing 2014

World Canada CA Programs


For the sake of simplicity, I created a new thread.

How many points are you expecting? I should end up with 12 which hopefully gives me a good chance

What was the cutoff for the previous intake?

I applied and handed in all my documents early and had 14 points. I remember reading something on the website about applying early for early admissions. I am sure they will be sending out offers this week for the rest of the candidates. I received info that I have to have all my documents submitted by March 27th (doctor's note, deposit and vaccination records etc). I've also applied to the RN program at UBC but won't hear anything back from them until April. So, I will accept the offer at Douglas and then if I get accepted at UBC will have to decide. UBC is really competitive so I feel I will end up at Douglas, which I am happy with. The classes look so interesting in the Psychiatric Nursing Program and I have been really happy with everything that I have taken at Douglas so far. Good luck to everybody waiting:)

Gee, they don't give you much time. I am thinking it would be best to have the documents ready just in case. I think I have everything I need already--most of it anyways. Have to upgrade my CPR though, but I think those are things that are done once you are admitted to the program...

My name is Melanie by the way...incase we do cross paths in the program:)

Just got accepted today :) was accepted into degree and diploma program but went for the degree. So exciting!

Congrats, you had 12 points right? When is your deadline for having supplemental documents in?

Yes I had 12. Umm either it isn't posted yet or I'm checking in the wrong place. She told me she was going to confirm my decision on Monday so it might just not be posted yet. Did you find it on your application?

I found out that I was accepted online and then the following day a letter came in the mail that had all the details of when I had to have all the supplemental documents in. Has anybody else heard that the are accepted?

Oh ok. Yeah I should probably get something in the mail Monday or Tuesday hopefully and then I can let you know :)


i applied into the diploma program for psychiatric nursing, i was assessed at 09 points. I was hoping for at least 10, but they didnt count one course as a point. Looks like theres some really intense competition for this program. I hope i get in for the diploma, ive been trying since forever..

Can I ask why you rather go for the diploma? I was surprised to find out I was accepted into both programs but never really gave the diploma much thought. I would like to be able to say I have a degree but other than that I don't know much about the difference.

I applied for the diploma online, i should have applied for both but its too late now :(. I just applied because i thought it would be PNUR work would be easier, but its actually the same. I work with rpns from VCH and FRASER HEALTH, some rpns have diplomas others have degrees. It turns out there is a pay difference between grads, with degree graduates earning more money per hour.

Diploma grads are pretty restricted with regards to what setting they can work, which is usually limited to either outreach or hospital..mainly. For everything else such as public health, you need to have a bachelors degree. With a diploma your about 1000 times less likely to get a management job as well.

Oh okay thanks for clearing that up for me. I was offered a seat quite early with 12 points so there is still hope to get in with 9.

And about that course, did you call to clarify? I was given 8 points but when I phoned admissions I received 12

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