Doomed to fail

Nursing Students Student Assist



I am thinking of quitting after this semester ends in May. I will have finished fundamentals, patho and pharmo. I just don't think I am as smart as others in my class. They all work ft and still do well with lots of responsibilities and I am unemployed (have been looking for job for 2 yr and no luck) and no responsibilities. I wish I knew what is wrong with me.

Specializes in Emergency.
I think I am going to quit. I can't get this drug calculations stuff.

If that's what you want to do, then quit. To be honest, and I don't mean this mean or snarky in any way so I hope it is not misunderstood that way, BUT, it seems like you have the wrong attitude about things here. Nursing school isn't supposed to be easy. I am awful at math, and my school requires a dose calc test every semester with 100% to pass, you only get 3 tries before you fail completely. I practice at home, I go to a tutor, I have a class mate help me... I've ALWAYS struggled with math, so I have to put in a more considerable amount of effort with it than the rest of my class. However, I want to be a nurse bad enough that I will go the extra mile to learn the dosage calc stuff.

So maybe just ask yourself; how bad do you want this?

DO NOT GIVE UP! It will click and then here so you will be sitting for your boards. I just graduated in December and failed my boards the first time. I felt sorry for myself for a few days then jumped back on the horse and passed the next time. You need to figure out how you learn. There are personality sites on the internet for this and they will question you and then tell you how you learn. I learn best by listening and taking notes and I forget reading if I can get away with it. You just have to figure you out so you can succeed in school. I make up silly sentences if I need to remember something like the stuff for the cranial nerves such as "some say money matters but my brother says bling bling matters more" so s= sensory M= motor and b= both sensory and motor. Remember alot of stuff goes back to basic med-surg keep the book handy it should be your bible at this point. Good Luck

First off, you really can't compare yourself to others because we all learn, process, and remember things differently. Secondly, sounds like you are having trouble with a few core concepts of nursing school (i.e. drug calculations) - have you been taking advantage of tutoring opportunities at your school? Almost every school offers free tutoring to their students. As soon as you realize you are falling behind or starting to have a hard time, THAT is when you go running to the tutor - not after you are drowning.

If nursing is truly something you are no longer interested in, then perhaps it is time to focus your sights on a new career path - it happens! But if this is just about not feeling as smart as the other students & a lack of applying yourself - snap out if and start studying harder :)

You seriously can do it - just set your sights on your goal, don't deviate, and don't forget to ask for help along the way!

Specializes in CNA.

Don't get too hung up on grades. A C grade is the same as an A, they both mean you passed. I understand about the frustration though. I am used to getting As in everything without hardly ever having to even read the text. Now in Nursing, I am struggling a bit to pass these nclex type tests. But, I cannot give up because this is what I want to do. It is HARD to be in Nursing school. The instructors are pre-occupied with NCLEX pass rates so they focus on cramming that into your head. Our lectures really are pointless IMO, because she doesn't say anything that isnt in the book. She basically does an outline of the chapter in bullet form. So what do we do? We take those bullet points and study on our own in detail the concepts she gives us. Some people get it enough to pass the tests with higher scores than others, but big deal if suzy gets a higher score than me. I may be better at doing a certain skill than suzy.

Hang in there, don't give up, and if you fail the course THEN decide if you want to go back into it or not.

Girl, if I wanted to quit school because of math troubles, I would have done dropped out in 9th grade!

But seriously, you have to ask yourself; "do I want to drop out because I've convinced myself I'm not good enough and I'm upset about some non A+++ grades? Or am I really and truly not interested in nursing at all and have learned that via nursing school?"

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