Don't ever give up!


After the 5th attempt I passed! YAY!!! I am so excited! I just wanted to let the people who failed and are retaking the Nclex know, that it doesn't matter how many times you take the exam, don't ever give up. If I can do this, so can you! When life pushes you down, brush yourself off, get back up and take it head on! :D

So right!! I just found out i passed, it was my second attempt!

How did you study this time around? I will be taking it for my 4th time on May 21.

First time- I used Kaplan course/and book. I went to the classes which I felt were not helpful because all I did was go over questions with the instructor.

Second time- I took it again right after failing first one, studied using kaplan book and Saunders.

Third time- I waited about 3-6 months to take. Studied using Nclex-Rn made incredibly easy, Memory Notebook of Nursing vol. 1,2 and Pharmacology book. It was helpful but most of the time all I wanted to do was color.

Fourth time again 3-4 months later, I used the flash cards for memorization, kaplan strategy guide, Saunders stratergy guide,Saunders comprehensive review book, Nclex 4000 cd did at least 75 questions each day of each category of the Nclex exam (4 major client needs broken down to 8 if you count subtopics), I did not continue to the next topic until I got at least 60% on the practice test. If I felt that there were too many repeat questions (which you will have since 4000 is weird like that) I pushed for 65% or more. I was very discouraged when I failed for the 4th time. I felt that I was the most prepared for that one.

Fifth time- After getting over my initial shock, I paid for the exam again, and scheduled it 45 days to the dot to take it again. I upped the questions to 100+ a day. Used Saunders, Kaplan, continued with Nclex 4000, I felt that the prioritizing questions were difficult to narrow down from 2 to one and looked up on to see what people have used. Found that a user used Prioritization,Delegation and Assignment by Linda Lacharity . Did all the chapter questions not case studies b/c the person who sold it to me said they felt it was useless. I also bought off the seller Frye's 3000 Nursing Bullets for NCLEX-RN. I got the idea to purchase this from one of the topics in this forum," Anyoone up for random FACT THROWING??". Wanted to print out the facts that were discussed in this forum but it came out to 200+ pages and I had no where to print that out. lol. So I got Fryes's 3000. It is helpful b/c you can just toss the book into your bag and read it when you are commuting or when you don't want to just read the review books. 3000 random facts with out all the other nonsense. Along with all this I wrote down all the signs and symptoms for diseases that I felt I should know like I do the back of my hand. Cut them into little pieces of paper and taped them on my wall. Example, Diabetes Insipidus Vs SIADH, I would write down all S/S of them toss it into a bag and each one I picked out, I would put it to the left for DI and on the right for SIADH. By the time it was the week of my exam date, my room had post it like paper all over it. =) I felt that was very helpful. Since in the exam they would give you a disease and tell you to select all that apply.

Other than praying to god every week and the support of friends and this forum, I do not know how I got through it. But I did and you can too!! =) Good Luck you can do it!! :D


Thank you!!! =)


i am working right now my 5th times and thank you for sharing :) all who passed the exam and good luck to all the future test- takers including me.......god please shower your blessings on us.

thank you so much......


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