Does Magnet Status make a difference?

Nurses General Nursing


After reading a few threads here about the reasons nurses are unhappy with the workplace, I'm wondering if conditions are better at facilites that have been awarded magnet status.

Specializes in Flight, ER, Transport, ICU/Critical Care.

Not sure that any of the "status" qualifiers ever make a difference. Sure, on the surface it may sound good, but I think that eventually the "secret" will be out and won't matter. Kinda reminds me of the "100 Best" or "50 Top Hospitals in the Nation in____". Seems there are lots of top hospitals, ever really wonder where all the BAD ones are?? ;)

I find no difference in the care in magnet vs. non-magnet. I find that nurse morale declines post magnet journey, maybe it's because that no matter how you try to dress it up ... it just is what it is. I also find that nurses have little tolerance for BS and sometimes it just gets out of control in the management race to get the "Status".

A hospital that has trouble with staffing, management turnover, customer volumes, physician issues will not have those problems solved with the magical journey to magnet. They may try and ramp it up for the "process", but the problems will remain.

Good nurses will be good nurses. Happy nurses are happy nurses. Good, happy nurses provide the BEST care to their patients.

Good doctors are good doctors. Happy doctors are rare (kidding).

Patients with a choice will always choose a GOOD hospital. I'm not sure that "Magnet Status" will mean very much to an otherwise savvy consumer (err...patient).

This is what I need to be a good nurse (and happy), magnet does not effect this:

* RESPECT from management, other staff and patients.

* COMPENSATION that is fair for the job I do!

* SUPPORT from ancillary staff that shares a common goal!

* SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT in a supply that will allow me to do my job well.

* COMMON SENSE in customer service endeavors.

Practice SAFE! :)

The only difference Magnet makes is a $100,000 dent in the coffers. $50,000+ for the application and survey and $50,000 for the book binding/publishing.

Well I have worked under magnet status now for one year. There have been many changes, and I remained hopeful till now. What effects me most are the staffing changes/ratios that were made. Yes, we now truly strive for 4 pt ratios on days, 5/6 nocs and they have committed as they said they would. But what I did not realize is they would take away almost all support staff on nights and weekends. I am now transporting pts all over the place, have to pick up blood myself, go to the kitchen and pick up trays for pts. Last night I cleaned two toilets, mopped a floor, and ran around to other floors to get supplies we needed and did not have. You get the picture. No CNA, no transporter, no supply clerk, no housekeeping at our disposal.

Now, I have no problem being a full-service worker in spirit but my flesh is dying. My back is hurting me sooo bad. The extra lifting and running is killing me. My body counted on that support staff all these years. I believe the goal is to have only RNs do bedside care, which sounds great in theory, but it is in fact crippling the workforce we have in place. I am very close to leaving hospital nursing for physical reasons. I want to be able to pick up my grandkids someday, go for a walk on the beach in retirement and I dont want to end up on "their" OR schedule anytime in the near future.

Sigh, I am NOT willing to give up my health to a business model that is not proven. IMHO, a candy-coated rock, taste good at first just dont think you'll enjoy the filling in the center.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ER.

Hmm let's see - I worked for one of those "100 best hospitals..." - no it wasn't - was fully dependent on the unit you worked in. If you're manager was great, it was great, if not, you were screwed.

If magnet gets rid of our ancillary staff, my ER is doomed. With the constant "stacked to the ceilings" kind of census we have, we're half the time doing our own stuff anyway, just cause the couple folks we have are also swamped. If they take those away - you can throw "through put" out the window.

My ANM had a great line this morning though - "I hope Magnet and JACHO never merge!" Yegads - could you imagine??????

I HATE the magnet journey.

The hospital I work at is doing the whole "journey to magnet" thing and it is really is a bunch of bull. What trips me out that magnet hospitals are the ones with the money and the prestige. The hospital I work at is small and the majority of the patients are non-English speaking,living in poverty, and have no insurance. The management is a complete joke and they really dump on you if you are new. The harder you work, the more they treat you badly. From what I understand "magnet" places emphasis on recruitment and retention of the nursing staff. It basically states to the public that the nurses who have worked here have all been here for years and years and love it here because they are treated so well. A lot of the senior nurses are either burnt out and they just stay for the money and also because the nursing staff isnt as nasty as other staffs at other hospitals in the area. And to be completely honest, you really do not have a voice at this facility unless your skin is a certain color.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

It never ceases to amaze me that nurses will c/o management practices without fully investigating them. We need to stop being such willing little victims. For those of you who disagree that your facility ought to be a Magnet facility, there is recourse. Just state your case in the online survey at ANCC. No facility should have the designated Magnet status unless it has fully and truly earned it. This designation is supposed to promote nursing, not smokescreen a poor administration.

Specializes in Stroke Seizure/LTC/SNF/LTAC.

I work at a hospital that has twice been "awarded" magnet status. I think it's a crock, too.:angryfire Even with in-house staffing, we always seem to be short on payday weekends.:uhoh3: Speaking of weekends, at nights, supplies are often not stocked. I agree with a previous poster: happy nurses are respected nurses, fairly-paid and rested nurses.;) Oh yes, and the endless unit-practice councils and shared governance meetings are enough to make someone :banghead: :bugeyes: :barf02:

Magnet is nothing but a huge PR joke. It means absolutely NOTHING to staff nurses.

Since I've traveled, I have worked at two facilities going through their application for magnet status. In both, the staff were coached in how to respond and behave while the examiners were there (sound familiar?). My current contract is not being extended because travelers are considered a liability regarding their magnet application... nevermind the severe staffing shortage that will occur once we are gone lol .

With the other hospital, there were no travel positions offered until after magnet was awarded. Now they are back to as it was before.

What a crock...

Specializes in Utilization Management.

from the ancc website:

the magnet recognition program accepts public and individual nurse comments at any time. e-mail us at [email protected]

verbal comments may be made by phone at 301.628.5223. for urgent issues, call toll-free 1.866.588.3301.

Specializes in Psych/Rehab/Family practice/Oncology.

Oh my, this is what we ATTRACT with our "magnet personality," more required meetings, more required education, more, more, more BULL****! Sorry, but "just the facts maam!"

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