Does your facility make you use scripts with patients/visitors?

Nurses General Nursing


Just wondering if you work for a place that tells you what to say to patients and/or visitors? They treid it where I work and we said no way, won't do it. At the other faciliteis in our health system they not only require it but have suits spying on the staff to see if they are using the scripts.

Personally I find it offensive that the suits are lumping all people together and think that scripts can handle situations. We are all individuals and should remain that way. Can you imagine lying in a bed for a week and hearing the same phrases over and over? I would think what a bunch of phonies or what a bunch of oppressed people.

How 'bout you?

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency, Infusion.

colleen, that is just so ridiculous. THAT is when you get your scripts out and read them verbatim to the patient so they know it is their doctor not only wanting their $900 but doesn't care if they go into debt to pay for it. :rolleyes:

Once a coworker had been taking care of this guy for a couple of days, and he was very sweet and very funny! All of us had been teased by him and just enjoyed taking care of him.

My coworker was leaving his room, asked him he if needed anything else, he said 'no', and she said "Okay, Kiddo." The VP of Nursing was standing at the nurses station. She took my coworker into an empty room and reamed her a new one for calling a patient "Kiddo". My coworker, never one to back down from an argument, defended herself and her actions. The VP continued to berate her. At the end of the shift, my friend turned in her notice. We lost a great nurse with 20 years ICU exp.:stone

Now I and a few of my rebel co-workers call our patients "Kiddo" as much as we can.

Patients do not want robots taking care of them, they want real people.

Keep up the fight,


.{quote}: How absurd - so one day they put a tape recorder under the desk and I got nailed telling a patient "and the cost for today's visit is HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT - $900.00. We also had a script for when pts. called and cancelled appt .......

LOL:rotfl: I can't decide if this is funnier than it is pathetic or the other way around....geesh.......LR:roll

Mandatory in-services. Here's a good one.

Worked for the VA in Long Beach. This was during a time when sexual harassment was the hot topic of the day.

One of the millions of idle brains in the massive eduction department decided that we'd all have to attend a sexual harassment training course.

The jokes started flying, one of them was, of course, "Now I'll finally learn how to do it."

I had to go to the class and there were about 6 women and me, the single guy.

The "educator" was seemingly quite proud of her scripted dialog and she handed them out. I, of course, was "chosen" to be the harasser. That in itself is harassment.

I spoke up, announced that making me partake in this class was harassment in itself, and singling me out as the male and the perpetrator was not going to happen.

All of the women except one agreed with me. The class came to a quick, abrupt ending.

I don't think they ever had another class. Amazing. And I'll bet they spent a ton of tax dollars putting it all together as the greatest idea ever.

I've worked at a couple of places that use scripts. And I think they're incredibly stupid. If they don't think the people they hire can communicate to satisfy them- don't hire them :)

We had corporate moles call up doing 'cold calls' to see if we were using them. It was so ridiculous that they'd pay someone to make those calls, but cut a CNA or LVN position..... ?????? Priorities???????

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