Does anyone else do ERI tests?


Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

I'm about to start my last semester of an ADN program. We pay dues each semester to ERI, which does testing for us, and we're supposed to have a NCLEX review after graduation provided by ERI. Has anyone else used this program? How did you feel about it? I'm visiting my parents for Christmas break, brought some NCLEX books that I got from library, but they're not very current. A newer book with new format info is on the Christmas list. Advice? Questions, comments, concerns? -Andrea

I'm about to start my last semester of an ADN program. We pay dues each semester to ERI, which does testing for us, and we're supposed to have a NCLEX review after graduation provided by ERI. Has anyone else used this program? How did you feel about it? I'm visiting my parents for Christmas break, brought some NCLEX books that I got from library, but they're not very current. A newer book with new format info is on the Christmas list. Advice? Questions, comments, concerns? -Andrea

I think ERI testing is awesome. My class (Aug. 2004) didn't have that. We had to take an ERI diagnostic test, which showed us our weaknesses, then we were sent on our way. My friend's class had to do the ERI stuff starting at the beginning of the final semester, and she liked it. It sounds like an awesome course. It sounds like your school has an interest in making sure you all are prepared for NCLEX. An NCLEX review course? WOW! We did a bunch of NONSENSE during our last semester :angryfire

The ERIs are a required part of my program. At the end of each semester, during the time we are also worrying about finals, We have to take the ERI exam. If we do not pass certain sections of the exam, then we have to go through a remedial program.

Frankly, it seems like a waste of time. The first couple of exams we were all worried about it and tried to review everything from the semester. But what it did was stress us out and perhaps not do so well on the class exam. That went to your grade, not the ERI. Now we barely give the ERI a second thought and just show up for the exam and do our best.

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