Published Apr 9, 2015
Ackeem, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
381 Posts
When a state is evaluating a transcript for nclex from cgfns or where ever, do they deny the application or do they request more schooling. I'm aware that you can be denied for issues such as concurrency, but can you be denied for anything else. How often do they point blank deny a application, is it more of sending them back to school or what please respond.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
You can be denied if your transcripts are missing a specialty area like Paeds, Obstetrics etc or you do not have enough clinical and theory hours in the approved areas
Ok this is what I'm asking though, if your transcript is lacking hours in a certain specialty, do they deny it completly or do they give you the opportunity to get those hours in at a college in the state your applying to.
I' tried to find out from the Florida BON their required hours in the specialties but when i contacted them they said to get my transcrpit evaluated and have the agency send it to them. Do you by any chance know the minimum specialty hours required by Florida bon.
Hours vary from state to state but with 2 states I did ok with 75 hours clinical and theory in a couple of areas. They usually deny but give you the opp to do something about what is missing but will have to be from an approved school
the least hours I have in a clinical area is 80 clinical hours, and 120 for theory ,do you think these will suffice? thanks for your response
Hard to say but I think you may although final decision will be with the state
274 Posts
What area of nursing are you worried about ? Is that all areas that you have those hours?
No here are my clinicals hours without the theory
Medsurg 120hrs
Obstetrics 160hrs
Peds 120hrs
Psych 120hrs
Geriatric/gerontology 80hrs
Community nursing 80hrs
Leadership 80hrs
Specialist ( ER, ICU, OR, recovery room etc)
Fundemetals of nursing 120hrs
I'm still a student I graduate this may, and I'm worried about all these areas. All the theory hours are alteast 120hrs
You should be fine with those hours :) i would not worry and yes i know as i applied and was accepted to florida
Ps the only thing is that theory in med and
surg need to be separate including the clinical
Ps the only thing is that theory in med and surg need to be separate including the clinical
Thank you, my mind feel kinda at ease now. :)
12 Posts
Did you guys got licensed in FL even with lacking theoretical/clinical hours? How did you handled the lacking hours?