Do schools give male students an advantage?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


This question just dawned on me. Now, I don't expect nor want special treatment, but I was wondering if colleges look at gender when deciding who gets through into the nursing program.I have no idea if anyone knows, but I thought it was a good topic for conversation. Thanks!

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if some schools do. Mine doesn't, but I only know that because we operate on a points system, there's no room for personal preferences.

I know it doesn't seem ethical, but under represented minorities sometimes have an edge if a school is so inclined. Affirmative action and ll that...

There is a program at my school (Cypress College) called TRAC that offers to pay for textbooks as an incentive to males in the pre-nursing/nursing program :)

Our school does not. We are accepted into the program based on taking the prerequisites and passing with a minimum GPA, and being willing to wait for a place in the program. At this time, we don't have to take any placement test or deal with points. We go through a checklist with a counselor at the school, fill out a form, and then the names of everyone who applied on a certain day go into a hat (literally), and the names are drawn to determine what order the students are placed on the list. At times, I have wished we were placed on the list according to academic achievement, since my grades have been great and the list is over a year long. In the long run though, I think this is the fairest way to go.

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