DNR'ed from hospital


I just wanted to know if any other agency nurses have been put on a DNR list in the past. I have been an agency nurse for 3 years and go mainly to one hospital and once in a while to their sister hospital. The one hospital I work for I've have no problems with in 3 years of contributing 16-40 hours/week consistantly. I went to the sister hospital last Saturday for a double and I was beyond dumped on. My assignment was split between two halls (of course I was the only one). I had 6 patients that were "problem" patients per the other nurses. Between 7am and 7pm I was given a 30 minute break, thats all. Finally, at 7pm when I was thinking of going to lunch, the charge announced that she was giving me an admit (after being told agency doesn't take admits). I had just finished discharging one patient and was down to 5.

I was upset and didn't yell, but said "you're giving me an admit? I have to go to lunch first. I'll take it, but I'm telling you I am leaving here at 11:30pm and whatever isn't completed, the other nurse will have to pick up". The admit was cancelled. Then the charge was upset because I was on a remote tele floor and had a problem pt later that night. The doc ordered labetalol IVP 10mg now. If no drop in SBP, double and give 20mg. If still no drop, double and give 40mg. I of course being a med/surg nurse and not tele certified said I was not comfortable with this. The house supervisor was called and said to have the charge nurse (who consequently did my eval) give it. The charge was not happy and ended up giving it. By the end of the night I apologized to the charge nurse and I really did feel terrible. I think I was overwhelmed to say the least and this led to my most unprofessional behavior. First ever in 6 years of professional nursing. I am embarassed and ashamed to say the least, but know my agency says that the hospital I've been going to for 3 years without problem won't take me because they go off of the same list.

I guess my only other alternative is to go to another agency, since my agency services a different area than what I live in. I guess it'll be better to work closer to home, but still, it's not a black mark I wanted.

If you've ever had this and can offer any advice I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for reading!!!!!

danvet-I became burned out re: hospital nursing after only 3 years (I was a traveler for a year and a half and I know all about being dumped on). I tried home health on a lark and it turned out to be one of the best changes I've ever made in my life. You get to actually make a difference in your patients' lives. Not all parts of home health are warm and fuzzy, but overall it can be very satisfying. Good luck to you!

As has been mentioned, perhaps this is God's way of opening the right door for you. :)

I DNR facilities that do not treat me fairly...and make sure the agency knows MY side of the story. I also go to bat for other agency nurses...as one facility DNR'd a coworker agency nurse of mine...they said she did not do paperwork assigned to her...but I backed her up...this facility did not tell ME we had to do weekly evaluation reports on Dr Jone's patients every Wednesday either...sometimes the staff gets passive aggressive with agency and withholds info like this so they can point a finger later.

I agree...if I know I did the best job I could in the situation presented to me, and the facility complains, I just shrug...and don't go back.

I'm nice to people to a point...if someone called me'the big nurse with the black hair' I don't think I could have ignored that either...they would have received a stern, assertive introduction from me. :(

Frustrated people look for scapegoats...I know we have to be careful out there. :(

Good luck with your home health...hope you like it!!

Hi Everyone,

I'm an agency nurse in the UK. Its interesting to hear of your problems and note that agency nurses while DESPERATELY needed to cover shifts, often at the drop of a hat, are valued little!

I DNR hospitals I don't like...my reasons vary: attitudes of staff to me, standards of care delivered or the kind of support given.


I have never beed DNRed but have refused to go back to one ward who delighted in giving me the unmanageable bay *and a student*. Four all-care patients, one who was dying, a confused wanderer and another with a hip wound that was leaking fluorescent yellow pus. There were six pts in the bay, and I had 2 cubes as well (the perm. nurses had a bay each, no cubes). Morphine syringe driver ran out and needed replacing - nurses 1,2,3 and 4 all said ask Sister, we're busy - Sister then said ask one of the nurses, I'm busy. Took well over an hour to get someone to accept that I couldn't do it by myself and NEEDED someone to check the CDs.

I got bawled out because it got to 10am and only 3 of my patients had their beds made (all were clean, medicated, fed and safe). The poor student had to put up with me ranting and desperately struggling to keep up - bless her, it was her first placement and here I was, on my 6th shift as an RN! I still rankle when I think that on a ward full of E and F-grade nurses (not new nurses, some experience and additional skills, more responsibility) I was left with a student who expected me to be able to teach her something about nursing. I did teach her about agency nursing - if a ward treats you like shit, you leave and don't come back.

I left that ward smack on the dot of 1pm and was on the phone to the agency at 1.05pm telling them what had happened and that I would never go back. Two hours later I started on another ward in the same hospital and had a fabulous time - great staff and friendly atmosphere. We all cried together when the evening news came on and we found out what had happened in New York. Those shifts were on 11/9/01, and I can never forget them.

I also DNR hospitals that are dangerous or belittle my role as a nurse.

Originally posted by nightngale1998

I also DNR hospitals that are dangerous or belittle my role as a nurse.

But then you don't have anyplace to work!

I do not remember who has as their line signature... but another member reminds us that.. WE WILL GET EXACTLY AS MUCH CRAP AS WE WILL TAKE....

To be honest... there are facilities that have gotton away with treating me badly for a "brief".. very brief time.... I truly do not work where I am not treated with repect etc... The price I pay is to travel, to stay diverse, and keep my education top notch....

I realize not everyone has the same opportunites... but I pay the price by traveling a great distance to get shifts, occasionally take a short term travel contract, and take "less lucrative" assignments from time to time of those assignments that are more interesting, fun, or rewarding in other ways.... then there are those assignments that are strictly high money end assignments.... but never... never to I continue at an assignment that is belittling to me.. sure I have bad days... but that is life...

Agencies make money off placing us so they tend to cater to facilities...agreed. But, once they get to know you and you get rave reviews most places you go, they will disregard complaints as they know you are good.

Agencies will just tend to place another nurse when one is DNR'd....so I always keep my eyes and ears open for the 'bad' facilities that will talk behind our backs. I'll usually try anyplace once...but it's my choice to go back...luv that about agency!

Do you get an evaluation every shift? I do...so if they complain I know it immediately and can address it/give 'my side' of things.

Don't let the turkeys get you down! :roll

Originally posted by NancyRN

But then you don't have anyplace to work!

I do not remember who has as their line signature... but another member reminds us that.. WE WILL GET EXACTLY AS MUCH CRAP AS WE WILL TAKE....

To be honest... there are facilities that have gotton away with treating me badly for a "brief".. very brief time.... I truly do not work where I am not treated with respect etc... The price I pay is to travel, to stay diverse, and keep my education top notch....

I realize not everyone has the same opportunites... but I pay the price by traveling a great distance to get shifts, occasionally take a short term travel contract, and take "less lucrative" assignments from time to time of those assignments that are more interesting, fun, or rewarding in other ways.... then there are those assignments that are strictly high money end assignments.... but never... never to I continue at an assignment that is belittling to me.. sure I have bad days... but that is life...

Gotta agree with mattsmom81.... good points there.

The agencies HAVE to listen to the facilities. They are the ones who pay the bills (ours included). I just expect that they will be honest and relay any comments/suggestions regarding me and my work to me promptly, so I know what to watch out for and so forth.

Always got to watch out for that nagging agency hater on just about every shift too. Boy they sure do work harder at trying to find/make up faults of agency staff. If only they did their work instead... jeesh....

I truly hate it when nurses treat agency nurses like dirt then have the gall to make them DNS because they didn't do everything dumped on them. I also hate familities that let nurses get away with making an agency nurse a DNS because they don't like them (the nurse stood up for him/herself), he or she has green eyes (they don't say that but it's the only thing you can think of might be the problem), the phase of the moon is such that all agency nurses nust be made DNS.

Having said that, you don't want to work at a place where you are treated so shabbily. You don't want to work at a place where the charge nurse does not respect your level of competence and your unwillingness to act outside your level of competence.

Be glad you're free of them before they really put you into a situation where something bad could happen.

So true Eddy...there's ALWAYS one of these types who spends most of her time trying to find something the agency nurse did wrong, isn't there?

And just the other night...as agency on one of those scary PCU units...what do I walk into my first shift there? The unit's worst 4 patients (another agency nurse told me...I got everyone's 'rejects'...:( )scattered in all 4 corners of the H-shaped ward, with a DT in ER on the way before report is over...and a second admit within 15 minutes of that. I gave the charge nurse a stern look when she hinted it would be mine too...and she backtracked fast...LOL!

Now luckily it takes a lot to rattle me...but it sure does get tiresome getting dumped on again and again. The freedom and the extra $$ are great but..some days...get the 'urge to kill' regular staff, don't we?

I also expect to get paid for breaks I never get as agency...and sometimes they call me on it...but I don't work for the hospital anymore and refuse to work for free.

Now I go in expecting to get the worst patients and am never disappointed.... LOL...but when I get all the ADMITS as well I make sure they know I'm unhappy...;)

Sometimes a well placed comment like "I love my agency shifts...cuz I never have to go back" gets the message across. I figure if they want our help they need to treat us decently..... I'll work hard for them but there is a point where it just gets ridiculous sometimes doesn't it.

Agree we will 'get as much crap as we will take' so let's spread the shyt around...LOL!!.

I also make it known, politely, that one of the best things about agency is... if I am not treated decently / with respect / what ever my annoyance / dissatisfaction is for the situation... I have made statements like, " the best part of agency nursing is you choose if you do not want to go back to a facility...

Then again.... sometimes I just remind myself to lick my wounds on the way to the bank....

I have NEVER gone back either... I am not in the business of creating change... if they treat you like a do it is there fault.... not yours.....

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