Hi, Reading this just got to thinking about my own situation. I am in the DMU program not because I diverted, used or drank alcohol but because I am taking medication for depression. How about that? I know the feelings of guilt and shame but they seem to come from the program itself and the very nature of it. I feel scrutinized, publicly made to be on the spot and financially robbed because of this program not to mention the inconvenience it is to check for drug screens every morning. I have a biological illness and no it doesn't prevent me from doing my work.. Heck, Florence nightingale suffered from depression and no one had her go into a monitoring program . What is going on in nursing today? Why do people discriminate and even stigmatize those who have mental illness esp in the nursing field? I find this outrageous. I guess if I had diabetes I'd be more palatable or more accepted. I have 4years and 10 months left of this program because I take medication and I am being singled out like I never passed my boards. I did the work and I should be respected not made out to be a potential problem. Again I don't drink or do drugs. I find this feels like blackmail. If you don't participate in the program then you don't have access to your license. Now in order to practice you must tell all about your struggles why you are in the program, etc, etc. Nothing is private anymore. Everyone knows everything. This is emotionally painful.
So when is the stigma and discrimination going to end? All I can say is this is not what I signed up for when I spent 100000 on nursing school and years of sacrifice and hard work. I'm not any different than any other nurse just because I need to take 3 pills every day.
When are people going to treat us like we are human beings and not some horror story they heard on the news. This is fear driven and unbased on any fact that people with mental illness are violent out to kill their patients or a risk. I am beside myself and its about time we see people for who they are and not what meds they are taking. Nurses with mental illness have just as much potential as their so called healthy counterparts who may in fact not be so healthy afterall when they too feel they have to get help for something and then it is strewn all over the nursing boards. Disciplinary Monitoring? For an illness. Doesn't make sense. Who's going to step up and change this?