

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I don't know what it is. Can't seem to get it together to study for Thursday's test in Anatomy. I have a high B average right now but really wanted an A.

Part of it was realizing that at the local school where I'd planned to do the nursing program, it will mean 3 years of full-time school. I'm the only breadwinner for the family right now. Hubby seems to be in a serious state of depression and I'm not coping with that well. I had somehow come to terms with 2 years... not sure why 1 more bothers me so much.

So started looking at some accelerated programs. More prereqs, more competitive admissions. Not sure if I'd ever get in. Maybe I should just bag it and think about teaching. Or staying with my current employer or trying to find another IT-type job.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! Back to the books (but not too late... gotta get up and go to work tomorrow. Work may be a dead end but it's paying the bills).

I don't know what it is. Can't seem to get it together to study for Thursday's test in Anatomy. I have a high B average right now but really wanted an A.

Part of it was realizing that at the local school where I'd planned to do the nursing program, it will mean 3 years of full-time school. I'm the only breadwinner for the family right now. Hubby seems to be in a serious state of depression and I'm not coping with that well. I had somehow come to terms with 2 years... not sure why 1 more bothers me so much.

So started looking at some accelerated programs. More prereqs, more competitive admissions. Not sure if I'd ever get in. Maybe I should just bag it and think about teaching. Or staying with my current employer or trying to find another IT-type job.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! Back to the books (but not too late... gotta get up and go to work tomorrow. Work may be a dead end but it's paying the bills).

You poor thing, just focus on your upcoming test for now....you have a high B you can still pull it up to an A....read as much as you can tonight and then get some rest. Tomorrow is another day. Sometimes all we need is a good night sleep.

As far as husband is concerned. If he has depression problems he needs to talk to a doctor and in the meantime get some help for yourself.

I probably can't help much just wanted to let you know someone is here feeling your pain.

I don't know what it is. Can't seem to get it together to study for Thursday's test in Anatomy. I have a high B average right now but really wanted an A.

Part of it was realizing that at the local school where I'd planned to do the nursing program, it will mean 3 years of full-time school. I'm the only breadwinner for the family right now. Hubby seems to be in a serious state of depression and I'm not coping with that well. I had somehow come to terms with 2 years... not sure why 1 more bothers me so much.

So started looking at some accelerated programs. More prereqs, more competitive admissions. Not sure if I'd ever get in. Maybe I should just bag it and think about teaching. Or staying with my current employer or trying to find another IT-type job.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! Back to the books (but not too late... gotta get up and go to work tomorrow. Work may be a dead end but it's paying the bills).

Hi Momtotwinboys (I also have twin boys :o)

I have been where you are so many times during this venture, it gets frustrating and so many bumps and hurdles along the way. My best advice is not to look at the big picture, look only at small goals that you can accomplish. Everytime I think about how long this is all going to take I get really frustrated! My first instructor told me its not how smart you are or how hard you study that will get you, your degree, its tenacity how long you can stick it out thru all the BS will get you your BS lol.

hang in there!

Specializes in Maternity, quality.

Just wanted to add my support. I agree with the previous posters' advice: take it one step/one day at a time. Easier said than done sometimes, but it will help you stay sane. You will get through this. Feel free to come here to vent whenever you need to. We certainly have all been there and understand! Good luck on your upcoming test. You can do it!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Thanks, all. I've been studying. Some of it's not bad (I actually enjoy lab and all)... but those neural pathways are driving me nuts.

As far as husband is concerned. If he has depression problems he needs to talk to a doctor ....

He has an appt with our PCP tomorrow. I insisted. I knew he was having a problem, but didn't realize how bad it was until Tuesday when I had a day off. After getting the boys off to school, we went out for late breakfast and then voted, but otherwise he did... nothing. Slept. Moped. Ate. The gloomy weather didn't help, I'm sure, but there's going to be lots of that over the coming months! He did have to take the guys to a piano lesson and then to a Boy Scout meeting while I was in class.

I wish you the best, and I hope things will get better for you. I cannot imagine how hard that must be, and I cant imagine trying to get through nursing school with all you have on your plate.

I dont think I would be that strong. I put off going back to school for years because it just seemed to be too much to handle, but I guess different people have different levels of fight. Until now, I went the flight route.

Thanks, all. I've been studying. Some of it's not bad (I actually enjoy lab and all)... but those neural pathways are driving me nuts.

He has an appt with our PCP tomorrow. I insisted. I knew he was having a problem, but didn't realize how bad it was until Tuesday when I had a day off. After getting the boys off to school, we went out for late breakfast and then voted, but otherwise he did... nothing. Slept. Moped. Ate. The gloomy weather didn't help, I'm sure, but there's going to be lots of that over the coming months! He did have to take the guys to a piano lesson and then to a Boy Scout meeting while I was in class.

Thanks, all. I've been studying. Some of it's not bad (I actually enjoy lab and all)... but those neural pathways are driving me nuts.

He has an appt with our PCP tomorrow. I insisted. I knew he was having a problem, but didn't realize how bad it was until Tuesday when I had a day off. After getting the boys off to school, we went out for late breakfast and then voted, but otherwise he did... nothing. Slept. Moped. Ate. The gloomy weather didn't help, I'm sure, but there's going to be lots of that over the coming months! He did have to take the guys to a piano lesson and then to a Boy Scout meeting while I was in class.

My son is also in Scouts, he is a Bear in Cubscouts....I volunteered during summer camp etc. We will go to a campout this weekend.

Going to the doc is the first step, It's got to be hard on you, good luck with everything...just do your best ;)

Specializes in Med/Surg.
My son is also in Scouts, he is a Bear in Cubscouts....I volunteered during summer camp etc. We will go to a campout this weekend.

Going to the doc is the first step, It's got to be hard on you, good luck with everything...just do your best ;)

I hope you have a great campout! I remember Bears... the boys were in Cub Scouts for Wolf and Bear, then lost interest. It was their decision to start in the Boy Scout troop this year. So far they like it a lot.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement... I got a 94!:monkeydance:

I hope you have a great campout! I remember Bears... the boys were in Cub Scouts for Wolf and Bear, then lost interest. It was their decision to start in the Boy Scout troop this year. So far they like it a lot.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement... I got a 94!:monkeydance:

Congrats and i am very very happy for you, hang in there!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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