Dieting and nursing school

Nursing Students General Students


I'll be the first to admit that I have put on a few pounds while in nursing school but I don't think loosing those pounds through dieting while in school is the best of ideas. I have several friends in school who are dieting and are getting by but I want to know your thoughts.

I feel that dieting will place more pressure than is needed and you will constantly be distracted by thinking of food, the fact that you're starved and/or not being able to stay focused.

Do any of you diet? If so how do you cope and is it working?

Thanks for the replies and good luck!!!

I have no problem maintaining my weight while in nursing school. I find exercise helps me release all by pent up tensions.

I'm in the last semester of my LPN in my ADN program and I remember on the very 1st day of class our instructor told us that the average nursing student gains 25lbs during the program. Not what I wanted to hear but I see how easy it happens! Between classes, studying, family, and working (if you work) it's very easy to reach for quick junky foods.

I fell into that trap my summer and fall semesters :( I always found myself eating at Vend-O-Land (the vending machines in the student lounges). When I got home after loading up on high calorie chips and soda I was still hungry because there wasn't any nutrition in the crap that I was eating and would then load up on more junk because I was too exhausted from class to make something healthy.

As my new year's resolution I made it a point to eat better and so far I have stuck to it. I do my best to only buy healthy foods when I shop. I bought a LARGE refillable water bottle that I take to class everyday so I don't buy a soda. I sometimes bring vita coco to drink if I want something sweet but don't want the empty calories or added sugar. I've started making my own Lara bars and they are amazing and when I take them to class it keeps me full for the whole 4 hour lecture. Now I'm not starving when I get home so I can rest and make a healthy meal later.

For me I found that I need to plan ahead a bit and pack my snacks/lunch the night before because I won't do it in the morning (I love to hit the snooze button). I'm not on a diet per say but am more mindful of the quality of the foods that I eat. So far I've lost 5lbs since Jan 1st so I'm pretty happy so far :) I don't exercise like I should but when I do it does a great job of clearing my head! I love the Bodyrock website because many of their exercises take 30 mins or less which is all I have time for!

Sorry this was so long and good luck you can do this! :)

I do weight watchers. I have lost like 25 lbs (last spring). I still have more weight I want to lose. I have no boyfriend, so I can exercise as much as I want with out the distractions :). My favorites are Zumba, Pilates, and Cycling! Cycling will kick your butt literally! The days I don't do my classes I will go on the elliptical and read my class notes and what not. Exercise is the one thing keeping me sane in my hell week.

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