Did I educate myself for nothing?

Nurses Criminal


Hello everyone,

I wanted to get some advice from this group. I am a newly licensed nurse that has a smudge on my background that is haunting me to no end.

The incident that occurred was 5+ years ago and was in self defense. I ended up getting the short end of the stick and was left with it on my record. I have been through nursing school and passed the NCLEX with this on my record without any issues. However, now that I'm trying to get a job it feels as if everywhere is slamming the door on me because of this. I live in a State that doesn't have expungement laws and I feel completely out of options.

Give me some hope, if there is any.


Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.
Hello everyone,

I wanted to get some advice from this group. I am a newly licensed nurse that has a smudge on my background that is haunting me to no end.

The incident that occurred was 5+ years ago and was in self defense. I ended up getting the short end of the stick and was left with it on my record. I have been through nursing school and passed the NCLEX with this on my record without any issues. However, now that I'm trying to get a job it feels as if everywhere is slamming the door on me because of this. I live in a State that doesn't have expungement laws and I feel completely out of options.

Give me some hope, if there is any.


It 'feels' like this or have you been specifically told this? How long have you been licensed, and how many jobs have you applied for? New grads have a notoriously tough time finding that first position in some areas of the country- are you sure it's not just that?

And you seem (I only have what you posted to go on) to minimize your offense, calling it a 'smudge' and seemingly not taking ownership of it. How long ago was it? Was it disclosed to the school and the Board of Nursing?

Lots of questions before we can offer any substantial advice.

Specializes in med surg.

What is the charge? Have you been told it is coming up on your background? MY advicd is to keep trying and be as honest about it as possible, without minimizing it.

It's a battery charge that happened 5+ years ago. It was disclosed to the school and BON and I had no issues with the background in either case. Also, you're right about trying to minimize it because frankly I'm embarrassed about it.

I have had two denials because of it.

Specializes in med surg.

Looks like you are from AZ? are you eligible to get this expunged? Ugh , must be so frustrating to know that something you did so long ago is still holding you back. Prayers and good luck to you!

Specializes in med surg.

Ok, Im sorry, I just re read where you cant have it expunged. Just keep trying and maybe be honest about it up front? once again good luck to you .

Have you tried looking for work in another state? Arizona is a compact state, so you have many options. Maybe one of the other states are more lenient with the charges. Also, have you asked your nursing school for help? A lot of nursing schools will assist their graduates with finding their first job. It might be worth looking into. Good luck and don't give up. Just be forthcoming, honest, and own up to your past and remind others (as well as yourself) that it is IN FACT your PAST!

Specializes in School Nurse, PICU, Pediatric Urgent Care.

Hello. Have you tried to get a job at a smaller place? Maybe a walk in clinic, or have you looked up and maybe found out what types of places are more likely to hire with a slight dent in your past? If you have recommendations from former employers, I'm sure that could help. Just some ideas, good luck.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

How many jobs and what types have you applied for?

I had my record expunged but nursing schools are telling me I may not be able to finish to due not being clinically placed because of my EXPUNGED record. So your saying you were able to complete nursing school with a battery charge?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

You may need to go a less traditional route to get your first job. You will find better reception in areas where they are desperate to get warm bodies in the door due to staffing shortages. Texas/Mexico border towns. Indian reservations. Rural hospitals. Dialysis clinics.

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