Published Feb 2, 2008
Deutsche_Nurse 75
2 Posts
I am in my first year of nursing school. I am having a hard time coming up with a care plan. My patient is elderly, diabetic w/ alzheimers disease. Can anyone help me?
20 Posts
risk of injury
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
Deutsche_Nurse 75 said:I am in my first year of nursing school. I am having a hard time coming up with a care plan. My patient is elderly, diabetic w/ alzheimers disease. Can anyone help me?
What have you found in your textbooks??? Lots of good info there...
658 Posts
Risk for injury, yes. Usually alt. in urinary elimination, risk for impaired skin integrity, risk for altered nutrition, alterations in thought processes and/or chronic confusion. When hospitalized, risk for acute confusion because they don't adapt well. Potential complication: hypo or hyperglycemia. Hope that helps.
This is my first time on here. I really did not know what to say. I appreciate all your input.
402 Posts
OMG thank you thank you this is great it leads you in the best direction, I can finally go to clinicals without professor screaming at me, last week at clinicals she was chewing us all out in the day room, we are never going to make it, she is very disappointed in all of us, we have no critical thinking skills etc, last semester I was the superstar, now I don't know if I will even pass I hate to fail