I need help on a care plan. My patient is 34 male had open hip reduction. Only thing is he had it done last Thursday, and I will be taking care of him tomorrow. I had the opportunity to meet him on Sunday and the doctor said he would probably be discharged Tuesday morning.
His only complaint was pain on the actual site and movements. He does have a cast on it and his wife has been taught to assist him with movements and how to transfer to and from wheelchair. I have to come up with 8 diagnosis.
I have to work 3 of them out with a goal for each of those 3. His fluid balance is all in line, his abnormal labs are low rbc, hct, hgb. I'm guessing just because of blood loss, plus he had a small blood transfusion, his vital signs are all within normal range as well.
He is at risk for falls, acute pain, impaired mobility, risk for injury. But my teacher doesn't like us to use at risk unless we have to, or at risk for infection is an exception, but since this surgery was 5 days ago, that priority has probably dropped a bit.
Most likely I am going to have a new patient in which I will have to do an entirely new care plan. It be acute pain, impaired skin integrity, impaired movement, followed by?
I need to come up with 8, but even more important I need the top 3 to be in absolute order since I am woking those ones out.... I know Airway breathing circulation comes first, but I do not know that any of that even applies here, the guy seems healthy.
40 Posts
I need help on a care plan. My patient is 34 male had open hip reduction. Only thing is he had it done last Thursday, and I will be taking care of him tomorrow. I had the opportunity to meet him on Sunday and the doctor said he would probably be discharged Tuesday morning.
His only complaint was pain on the actual site and movements. He does have a cast on it and his wife has been taught to assist him with movements and how to transfer to and from wheelchair. I have to come up with 8 diagnosis.
I have to work 3 of them out with a goal for each of those 3. His fluid balance is all in line, his abnormal labs are low rbc, hct, hgb. I'm guessing just because of blood loss, plus he had a small blood transfusion, his vital signs are all within normal range as well.
He is at risk for falls, acute pain, impaired mobility, risk for injury. But my teacher doesn't like us to use at risk unless we have to, or at risk for infection is an exception, but since this surgery was 5 days ago, that priority has probably dropped a bit.
Most likely I am going to have a new patient in which I will have to do an entirely new care plan. It be acute pain, impaired skin integrity, impaired movement, followed by?
I need to come up with 8, but even more important I need the top 3 to be in absolute order since I am woking those ones out.... I know Airway breathing circulation comes first, but I do not know that any of that even applies here, the guy seems healthy.