Published Jun 20, 2018
1 Post
Can anyone please offer me advice i was convicted for dui two years ago. I have a son with mental health and addiction issues who got in trouble two years ago and he called me to help i didnt think i was over the limit and i drove to get him and there were police on scene i was charged. I learned a hard lesson that night and a valuable one as it woke me up to the point i stopped enabling my son after that.i have also since took in his two babies and desperately need to work and was offered a job than denied due to the dui. The vulnerable sector is clear and it no way means im a bad nurse. I dont deserve to be punished for life. What can i do ?
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
You keep looking and you keep applying. The harsh truth is that any criminal history makes you a less desirable candidate to a lot of employers. There are plenty of employed nurses with histories, though. There's a needle in the hay stack, you just have to find it.
215 Posts
Any restrictions on your license ?
235 Posts
Are you still drinking? One of the first steps you can take is stop, and get some kind of support (SMART, AA, individual therapy). That way you can show that you are working on addressing the issue. I would also check with your board (online) to see what your liscense looks like. There could be a mark that you are unaware of. Getting a DUI is a big deal in the health feild (not sure if you are a nurse). Also, it seems you are now taking care of three kids. While that makes you finanically vulnerable, it could also be a trigger to increase drinking. A lawyer would also be very helpful, but I have a feeling that might not be a finanicial possibility for you right now. Here is the brutal truth as a hiring manager - An applicants need for a job does not factor into my decision.
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,185 Posts
I agree check your BON to see if there has been any action on your license that you may be unaware of. Also check Nursys website as it is more through. If you have a felony DUI it will affect your ability to work for any organization that accepts Medicare or Medicaid (Pretty much every employer) so if that's the case you need to get your legal house in order. Secondly you need to address any substance use/addiction before you proceed. When was the last time you renewed your license as you would have had to disclose this on your BON application. You may have to go into a monitoring program of 3 to 5 years to obtain a clear license. Neither hiring managers or the BON care that you NEED a job. Their mandate is to protect the public from impaired nurses. It can get really ugly especially the cost of such programs but as I said they don't care.
medsurgRNCali, ASN
154 Posts
Look into getting the case expunged. What state are you in? In california, If you complete the terms of probation and prove rehabilitation you can have it expunged. then it cannot hinder you from getting a job. Other than that , just keep looking. good luck