December Test Takers Support Group

Nursing Students NCLEX


So, I finally feel I should not give up......I will be a retaker for 2nd time in December. I felt so low when I failed the test in July'07. I was thinking to take in october but just couldnt get motivated to study. In the meantime, I joined RN-BSN program. So, currently I am in school taking 15 credits of classes. I need to have my RN license before winter so I can do practical in communnity health, a required class for BSN.

After visiting this site almost everyday, reading success stories and encouragement given by one of my wonderful instructor from my ASN program, I am motivated to do it.

So, newcomers as well as retakers, Lets get together, support each other and lets pass the RN test. WE CAN DO IT.

For now, I have started practicing Q&A at least 2 hrs/day from Saunders CD. I will keep you updating and hope you all will share the tips as well.


Specializes in OB/GYN/OR.

w100jun and em1025 Good luck and prayers for both of you... relax , and read each question thoroughly...and take your time to understand and answer!!!

w100jun and em1025 all the best and prayers for you tomorrow. give us the good news.

also, out of nervousness i went to barnes and nobles.......for retail book therapy. i swear this nclex is killing me.....i never had any test anxiety before...but when i think of it now i swear i get goose bumps, chills, redness, name it, i have it. anyway....i was just freaking yesterday thinking about the test and bought a book.....can you believe it.......i have only 9 days. i feel so overwhelmed remembering the signs and symptoms.................seems like every single disease similar. the book name is "memory notebook of nursing" 3rd has pictures, mnemonics, and imp. s/sx....if you guys are visual learners.....swear this book will be helpful. it does not have all the imp. stuff you need....but it brushes up your memory....and easy to remember. how is everone doing. i am really doubting myself....i wish i can cool myself.

Specializes in ER/Long Term Care.
Hi guys,

I just have a question. Did anyone else got their results in the mail like, 2 business days after taking the test? Coz I got mine yesterday, and to tell you the truth, I was surprised because it was really quick. And I really felt quite confident answering most of the questions, you know. I even felt some of the questions than easier than Kaplan's. So I really do not know what happened. Like I was really not meant to get my license this time. Hmmm.

Thanks for the words of encouragement, everyone. Appreciate them. =)

Yes I did. I took my 2nd test on 11/22, and I got my results 11/28. I thought I did better on the 2nd one and thought for sure I passed, but not. I actually did worst. On my 1st test I had all near passing. The 2nd one I had below passing in physio, reduction of risk pot., and psychosocial integrity. I was blown, but I'm not giving up. I'm a lousy test taker and have poor study habits. I crammed all through nursing school, graduated with 3.35, and found out cramming does not work for me with the nclex. I have also schedule the previous tests with out being ready. This time I'm scheduling when I'm ready and not when I'm pressured too. I'm starting Suzane's plan. I bought Saunders 4th edition and I have already started doing the comprehensive test.

Heres to us who have yet to find the path.

Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone!!!I am still here and I have NOT seen my name on CALI BON. I'm pretty sure I failed because this is what happened last time too. 16 days before I got my official FAILED results.

Congrats to everyone who passed. :-)

Summerbummer ... hope you're ok. When I failed the 1st time ... I really had trouble studying again. This 2nd one ... I have a more positive view. Hopefully, 3rd time will be the charm. Keep your head up and pray. Our time will come too.

Good Luck to all of us who will have to retake.

Good Luck to everyone who will take it soon!!! We're all praying for one another.

imhopeful, sorry to hear that. i'm so speechless when people say that they didn't pass the test. i've been there before & i know how it feels. tom i'm taking my chance again. sometimes i ask myself why do people have to go over & over this test. i know everyone's putting their hearts out for this, but still didn't make it..and then try again & another failure & so on. i believe that God has reasons for everything. I may not know what His reasons & His plan for us.. but i'm keeping my faith that after falling down, we are given another chance & we can rise up again. God knows our hearts desire & He will give it to us in His time. Godbless!

Specializes in LTC, Bariatric Clinic.

Hello everyone i took my test today and feel really unsured of how i did truthfully i feel horrible, hope i passed but if not i will try till i do:) keep me in your prayers and good luck to those who still have to take it my prayers are with all of you GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS

I took my test today I don't know what to say or think all I know is that I failed the test. This my 3rd time taking the test I don't even think I will check the BON site on Monday for quick result. I pray to God to give me strength to study again.I'm depressed.

em1025 & w100jun: i'm praying for you both. i think everyone felt unsure & that they failed after their exam. it's a normal reaction i guess. so how was the exam. please share it with us. Godbless!

i'm also part of the quick results & i'm planning to just check my results after christmas just to make sure i won't ruin my x-mas day. :)

Specializes in LTC, Bariatric Clinic.
:uhoh3: The NCLEX for me was something I can't explain i spent so much time studying with kaplan and Saunders but alot of the med's i don't recall even seeing, i had quite alot select all's and don't like those at all it was easy in the begining and got difficult all i can do now is leave it to God, even though i have already cried enough for everyone today i guess its just an emotional rollercoaster that we all have to go through and i pray to God that i do not have to go through it again.......but if i do then i will untill i reach my goal of becoming a nurse, I have heard so many say they feel they failed then end up passing I just wish everyone the best of luck i don't really even know what to say just got home about 20 minutes ago and feel horrible:o

It was beyond my imagination. I took the exam for 5h40 minutes It stopped between 260-265 I was rushing to finish the test before running out of time. I had all the kind of questions a lot of select all's, infection control, who to call, to see first, memorization based questions, a lot of medications, few calculations (the only questions I was sure of answering!). Management questions, malfunction of equipments, endocrine, hyperthroid,...The most hardest part for me was to choose between 2 answers.It was too much for me to handle! God knows why. Christmas is my birthday can you imagine crying on your birthday? What can I do?

iamhopeful, em1025, is all normal to feel like that. You guys will get the best christmas gift, your RN license. Keep the faith. I will keep you all three in my prayers and everyone else is praying too...

c15th.................................dec 1st - don't give up & try again!

shara_su............................ dec 4th - congratz, you are an rn now!

emmsha..............................dec 4th - congratz, you are an rn now!

ergito2............................... dec 5th - congratz, you are an rn now!

narsingboy...........................dec 7th - charms, luck and prayers to you

imhopeful.............................dec 8th - charms, luck and prayers to you

dlissa74...............................dec 10th - congratz, you are an rn now!

2b_bsrn0523.........................dec 11th - congratz, you are an rn now!

jcruz...................................dec 11th - charms, luck and prayers to you

purna12...............................dec 13th - congratz, you are an rn now!

summerbummer21...................dec 14th - don't give up & try again!

katnip08...............................dec 14th - charms, luck and prayers to you

boniesha2300........................dec 17th - charms, luck and prayers to you

jjt.......................................dec 17th - charms, luck and prayers to you

nurdar..................................dec 19th - charms, luck and prayers to you

w100jun...............................dec 20th - goodluck & godbless!!

em1025................................dec 20th -

everyone else eat, sleep, study, pray and luck will be on your side

dlr83....................................dec 21st - goodluck & godbless!!

iel21....................................dec 21st - goodluck & godbless!!

katchik99.............................dec 26th


wizard100.......................... ..dec28th


massou................................ tba

born-in-the-usa...................tba :chair:

(i unscheduled my dec 28th, i feel i need more time, i will keep praying for everyone in december though...hopefully i will take in january 1st week...dont have date yet now. plz keep me in your prayers even though i will take in january):uhoh21:


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