Debt Load after CRNA School


What kind of debt load did you or are you going to have once you complete CRNA school? I am in the process of getting my finances in order since I have 2 little ones and would like to get an idea of what I'm facing in the future.


i go to one of the more expensive programs in the country - and after it is all said and done (including personal education loans) i will owe approx 70k...

sounds like alot - but when you are making 10k/month - it really is a small part - and some groups will pay for your loans as one of your - the end is more important than the means in this case.

I have a supportive wife who is an RN. With two kids and all the expenses that go along with a family and going to school full time, I am looking at racking up about $70,000 (Not including the money I borrowed to finish my BSN!) That includes tuition of only $20,000. As athomas91 said, in the big picture, it is a small price to pay and it will be worth it in the end!

70-80,000 here.

I am attending one of the more expensive programs also.


My total debt will be around $55,000. As stated in other replies, it is an investment.....a great one at that!

bout 70,000 here also. schools cheap, living in L.A. is expensive.

looking at about 70,000-80,000 here also. Hope I pass!!! :)

i'm looking at about $140.000, tuition, rent, and a truck note plus insurance

What kind of debt load did you or are you going to have once you complete CRNA school? I am in the process of getting my finances in order since I have 2 little ones and would like to get an idea of what I'm facing in the future.


I am glad I am not the only one in the same boat. About 70k not counting the 17k undergrad. debt. I attend a state school and the tut. is reasonable, but the cost of living is what gets you. I also have two little ones at home. The younger you are the less of a concern the debt should becuse you will practice longer and therefore make more of a return on your investment.

Do the schools you are attending let you take out that much in student loans?? I thought the may for grad studies was 18,500 . . . I too am starting to plan for down the road and save/pay off all debt when the time comes to go back to school. THe schools I am looking at are both private and the tuition is high in comparison to what I paid for my undergrad degree.

Specializes in Anesthesia.
Do the schools you are attending let you take out that much in student loans?? I thought the may for grad studies was 18,500 . . . I too am starting to plan for down the road and save/pay off all debt when the time comes to go back to school. THe schools I am looking at are both private and the tuition is high in comparison to what I paid for my undergrad degree.

The max for stafford loans for grad students is $18,500 per academic year, but there are also Perkins loans. I'm not sure what the max is on them per year, but the financial aid office at my school said I'll be able to get $27,000/year in combined direct and Perkins loans. Then there's always private lenders too.

If any prospective SRNAs on this board live Wisconsin, or have become a resident of Wisconsin, the Franciscan (sp?) Skemp Nurse Anesthesia School at UW-LaCrosse is only $7,000 for the ENTIRE program for Wisconsin Residents.

I've considered them, but I'm just so tired of the cold weather :rolleyes: I've been in Wisconsin all of my life and I need to live somewhere warmer... thinking of going down to Memphis (where the CRNA schools are more expensive).

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