Published Dec 8, 2010
9 Posts
I know this is just another post on waiting for results but this wait is killing me!!! I took my NCLEX last Wednesday 12-1-10 and still no results, what the heck? Everything is computerized, it shouldn't take this long!!!
And yes, I did the PVT and got the good pop-up. However this doesn't help on job applications!!!
My transcripts were faxed on 11-24-10. Gggrrrrrr!!!
captain byakuya
46 Posts
in my case, it's been 3 weeks and i still haven't received my result. when i called brn-ca awhile ago they told me the reason is bec. my SSN doesnt appear on their system that's why i had to fax it. hopefully they do something about our dilemma
Yuk capt. Bya!! I'm angry over a weeks wait, I can't imagine 3 weeks :0(. When I called yesterday, they said it's possible to get results in just a few days but most likely it will take 2-4 weeks. It shouldn't take this long. They should atleast participate in quick results. Very frustrated
38,333 Posts
People in CA were waiting five months. I am certain you will get your results before five months.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
CA at the moment will not participate in quick results as they are one of the few states that will give eligibility before they receive all your documents if your school confirms you will be graduating
Well be I'm on day 8 s/p NCLEX, and 11 days since transcripts were faxed. I talked to the BRN and they said it typically takes 15 days to process transcripts. So im assuming I won't have results until end of next week...........hopefully!!