Day 6: 2016 Nurses Week Meme Contest

Nurses General Nursing


Nurses deal with a variety of patients everyday. Today's image depicts a very calm setting of a nurse and her patient but looks are often deceiving. Her calm demeanor carries through even the most trying of times. Create a meme based on the deceptively calm demeanor of the nurse in today's photo, submit it in the comments below and you'll be entered to win a $100 Gift Card PLUS FIVE 1 year subscriptions to Cram Fighter!

Winner will be announced May 13, 2016. Be creative. Be unique.

National Nurses Week - 7 Days of Giveaways

About the Sponsor: cramfighter-logo.jpg Cram Fighter is a tool for making your study plan a manageable plan. Take the guesswork out of studying and create a scheduled study plan which is far more effective than cramming the night before your test.


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Doctor said check temperature every five minutes......... its normal said no nurse ever!

Two hours to go and counting

You've been on the call light every 5 minutes for: raise the head of my bed, then my head is too high can you lower it, then my head is too low can you raise it and can I have another warm blanket? Nurse thinking..if you only knew where this probe has been. Hehehe

Crap the battery died.... Let's see if I can find another one

These pills with help you with your imaginist

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