Davita vs Fresenius Acute vs Chronic Dialysis


Hello all,

I am a new graduate and next week I have an interview with Davita AND an interview with FMC. I know everyone says work in a hospital to get experience and be well rounded, but quite frankly I have been applying to hospitals all over and in an economy where experienced nurses can't even find jobs it's even harder for the new grad. I'll take what I can get at this point in time.

Just to give you a little background: I already administer home dialysis treatments to my younger brother who has CRF, in addition my mother and cousin are dialysis technicians at in center Davitas. So here is my dilemma: I really want to work for Davita my mom has nothing but great things to say for this company and great experiences. Besides the Davita position is for Acutes and I feel that this would interest me more than an in center job which is what I'm interviewing for with Fresenius. I guess I would like to know what you nurses who may have worked in dialysis for quite some time would do if faced with this situation.

I don't have offers for either job yet but if you were me: a new grad (w/ some dialysis experience) would you be looking forward to the job as an Acute Dialysis Nurse with Davita, or Chronic with Fresenius? What would be some of the pros and cons for either. I'm just basically asking for your thoughts. Thanks in advance. :wink2:

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Both would be really good experience but I would chose the acute as it will get you more experience. You would be dialysing pts for the first time probably using lines rather than fistula's, you would be dealing with acute illnesses and the process.

You can always do out pt dialysis in the future.

Specializes in Dialysis.

Acute dialysis will have sicker patients and the nurse patient ratio will be lower because of this. If you are sent to dialyze a patient in ICU it will be 1:1. Chronic dialysis will involve supervising technicians, higher patient ratios, and alot more paperwork. It will also involve getting to work early in the morning but you might have more predictable hours. Many times in acute I work 16+ hour days because of all the "add-ons". Good luck.

Specializes in Nephrology, Peds, NICU, PICU, adult ICU.

I have done both Acutes and Chronic and really the big thing is it depends on the kind of person you are. If you like a fast pace go chronic if you like things to move MUCH slower go Acute. Do you like to pretty much work by yourself go acute, you like to be around the same people a lot go chronic.

People will tell you that the acutes you should have more expreience before starting I think this is only really true for the technical aspects such as machine trouble shooting. When in acutes if someone codes, before you have the patients blood returned the code team is there. In a chronic setting however more often than not there is no MD and you work collaboratively with the other nurses.

Generally acutes will pay more (not sure of the pay difference betweeen the 2 companies as Davita generally pays better than FMC anyway) than chronic. Acutes have much more VARIED schedules if you have a strict time you need to leave work it will probably never happen and you'll be late to day care or where ever you need to be. Acutes nurses take call carry a pager, work Sundays and sometimes have to show up @ 2 AM for emergency tx's. If you are looking for OT go to acutes OT is very few and far between in chronics. Not sure what else would help.

Thank you so much everyone for the good advice. I actually got an offer and chose to work for Davita and go the Acute Dialysis route. I hope I don't regret my decision but so far it seems as if I have made the right one... I'll keep you posted.

I don't see the problem with LPN's in dialysis. After all they do have nursing training unlike the PCT's we all work with.

I know the original question was posted in 2009, but I do have one comment. Both DaVita and Fresenius have requirements before you can start as an acute dialysis nurse. I believe the minimum for both is 6 months incenter, but can be as long as 1 year. The reasoning behind this is valid, especially for a new grad; it takes time to develope the critical thinking skills necessary to function as a nurse of any specialty. When you are in the hospital generaly speaking the floor nurses look to you for advice on how to treat the patient and you have to know your patient population as far as end stage renal disease goes.

Being incenter for the first 6 months to a year allows you to gain the experience and critical thinking skills in a safe, supportive environment. While I enjoy most things about acutes (except the on call and not always knowing if I will get my hours), I think it would have been a mistake and a disservice to me if I had been allowed to go straight to acutes,

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Fresenius does actually hire new grads - at least at several of the clinics where I see patients.

Ho w can I apply on Fresenius and Davita to become a dialysis technician? I'm really interested. Thanks for you help!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I would go online to these company's websites and apply there. They provide the training.

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