Published Jul 8, 2009
27 Posts
Hi, I am really desperate to know anything about Dameron Hospital before my interview, please. Can someone be able to tell me bout this hospital. I really want to work in California but my agency told me this is the only hospital they've got at the moment, and seems I might grab this oppurtunity to join the interview. Any informations I will get from this forum will be highly appreciated.
A big thank you!
254 Posts
Simple to find out about Dameron. Stockton is in the Central Valley between Sacramento and Modesto. Between San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. Good location.
Hi JustMe,
Thanks for your reply. Is Dameron Hospital ok to work with. I am a bit scared coz, of the ststus of recession there in the US.
It's OK--good benefits and the RNs have a union. They're on the move--doing some remodeling. Yes, the economy is bad especially here in the Valley--Stockton is the foreclosure capital of the world. But nurses in general are working and that's a good thing.
thanks again for your reply. I will definitely go then for the interivew...I hope I will get the job as I really want to go to US to work.And I hope DAMERON HOSPITAL is a nice place to work.
LuvofNursing, BSN, MSN, RN
145 Posts
they are 188 beds, 2181 births/year, not for profit, privately owned, non-sectarian.
you can go to us news and world report and find some information.
just like with any hospital, you have to commit to where you work. You have to love what you do and where you work. dameron also pays the most of any hospital in san joaquin valley (inc lodi memorial).
36 Posts
I live in Stockton and let me tell you, I'm trying to get out of here! Maybe I've just been here too long (my whole life) but as soon as I graduate I'm leaving. It's not the best place in the valley to live; although the location is good (not too far from beach or mountains). However, our crime rate is horrible. So is our housing situation. Forbes ranked Stockton #1 most miserable city and #5 with the highest crime rate in the nation (there's only 293,000 people here too!). Other than that, I can't say much about Dameron other than things I've heard like their nurses are overworked (which nurse isn't?). If I were you, I would seriously consider visiting here first.
1 Post
I would stay away from any position in telemetry or float. she is clueless. She spends all her time writing up her employees, All of them, I think that there is only one who hasn't been, her son in law, If you want to be treated with dignity and respect work under someone else.
6 Posts
I just started at Dameron Hospital last year, and I absolutely love it! The nursing leadership team is fantastic.. they really care about the nurses and getting us what we need to do our jobs. The equipment is new and nice, the staff I work with are great. I can't say enough great things about the place.
Regarding the previous post about tele.. that manager is no longer in charge of tele. Different director, and clinical manager. You could not ask for better people to work for. I really like the
CNO too. She really sticks up for nurses and cares about the hospital.
173 Posts
I would avoid dameron, or carry extra Liability Insurance. In my life before nursing I worked as an EMT and Ive personally seen critical patients on EMS stretchers made to wait 45 minutes before even being initally assessed. A buddy of mine actually called our medical director for an order to administer lidocane while waiting in Danerons ER because they'db
been standing around for 20 minutes with their critical cardiac patient.
You think 20 minutes is long? My grandmother was at St. Joe's recently, and she was on a gurney in the hallway 2 1/2 hours before getting a room (and we could not come back to see her during that time of course). and then it was 7 more hours before she got a bed on the floor!!